5 ways to step up your online business without getting credit

I’m always happy when I see new entrepreneurs spring up. It’s nice to know many people realize having a business is the way to go. Working at a 9 to 5 job does not work for many, and no matter how hard you work you may never derive true satisfaction from it.

Of course there will be ups and downs. I’ve personally gone through many issues whilst running my own business. Sometimes you’ll come across circumstances where you will not have enough funds to keep your business afloat. In such a situation you need to act fast and boost your business before it hits rock bottom.


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If you’re in such a situation, don’t worry. I have a solution. Here are 5 ways you can step up your online business without getting credit.


  1. Pitch like your life depends on it

If you want to step up your business you need to make sure that you are making sales. Whether you have products to sell or you offer services, you need to constantly pitch your product or service to others.

Many people are afraid of pitching and in the light of the recent events, I don’t blame them. They don’t want to appear pushy or annoying when they pitch so they step back and hope that someone will come along. But it may take forever for that to happen, so I like to take matters into my own hands, and pitch to carefully selected companies.

Those who do really well in their businesses are those who are not afraid to pitch their products and services.


  1. Focus on giving value

Although it’s important for you to pitch your products and services, you also need to realize that there is a right and wrong way of doing it. Most people take the route of being like door-to-door salesmen focusing only on what they will gain. You can only boost your business when your primary focus is on giving value.

Tell your potential clients how your products and services can help them. Make it more about them and less about you. Show them how it will add value to their lives. This doesn’t work only for sales. Giving value could come in so many forms. The idea is to ensure that you are helping your clients and that you genuinely care about their business.


  1. Collaborate with bigger players in your niche

There are business owners in your niche who are doing better than you. Think of ways the two of you can partner in a project or create a product together. This will help foster mutual growth in both your businesses. Through the collaboration, you not only get increased patronage you also get additional publicity.


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  1. Promote your online business

There are several platforms where you can be featured to draw more attention to your brand. When nobody knows who you are, it becomes even more difficult to sell what you offer.

Write blog posts in major publications so that more people can get to know you. Big publications have a large readership that will give you the needed exposure. Speaking engagements are another way to showcase yourself and your expertise. Which will help you build an audience interested in your products and services.


  1. Network

I can’t begin to express how helpful networking has been for me and my business. Networking helps you establish new relationships with people who may be interested in what you offer. Networking helps create more opportunities for you to increase your exposure, which will bring in more business in time.


These are 5 ways to step up your online business without getting credit. It does take time for these actions to result into paid work, but they are tried and tested ways that work.

Do you have any tried and tested tip to share? Please do so in the comments section.

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