Style Icon: Jidenna


The Classic Man aka Jidenna is the Style Icon for the week, and that should come as no surprise because this dude got style. He wows me every time I see him.


I love the fact that Jidenna is so confident in his skin, he dresses the way he wants, regardless of what is in vogue and he always looks amazing. He has this ‘old school’ vibe I love, and that should come as no surprise since most of his pieces are vintage or custom-made, Whippa Wiley, his manager and creative director, co-designs most of his pices.

Jidenna’s style icons are Malcom X, Ozwald Boateng, and Janelle Monáe, and I can see a lot of their sense of style in him.


Here is an excerpt from an interview he had with Esquire earlier in the year:

I think that necessity often times dictates creativity. I used to go thrifting because I couldn’t keep up even with the hip hop fashion. A cap is $30, you can get a pair of jeans for like $100, and then some t-shirts cost like $50-60. I got tired of it so I started thrifting. Through thrifting, I found a lot of suits for very, very cheap and I paid tailors to customize them to fit me.

As that evolved, I started designing bespoke suits, but it all came out of not really being able to afford it as a young man and as a broke artist at the time. That’s the beauty of it though, when you don’t have things you make do with what you do have and create something special out of it.


This dude has his head on his neck as far as music and style is concerned. He is like a breath of fresh air. What do you think of Jidenna as a Style Icon? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading.

15 responses

  1. I’ve never heard of this guy before but I have to admit he has style. I love that it’s unusual and really “old school” but with his own individual flare.

  2. Wow he certainly is not afraid of a strong look and totally pulls them off – love the tailored suits – super stylish

    Laura x

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