Quiet Girls Can Rule the World



As an introvert, I have had to deal with a lot of misconceptions.We quiet girls are constantly misunderstood. Society sees us as not sociable, shy, snobbish, proud and distant. If you’re an introvert, then I’m sure you have been there, and you know what I am on about. It can be frustrating when people immediately judge you as being someone you are not.

However being an introvert has more pros than cons. Our introverted nature gives us the opportunity to do more observing, listening and thinking than we do talking, which is great. It leaves us the chance to implement what we know because we are not distracted by the activities in the world.

We introverts are amazing people. Here some reasons why we are so amazing –

Introverts are capable of focusing for longer periods of time
As an introvert, you have greater power of concentration and with concentration comes the ability to quickly and efficiently complete whatever task you’re focused on. That is why we introverts are seen as people who can get things done. We are not easily distracted.

Introverts think things through before they act or speak
Introverts don’t make rash decisions. Everything we do is done after careful thought. We hardly do things at a whim. This makes us capable of looking at circumstances objectively.
Introverts are self-reflective
Since we spend a lot of time on their own, we tend to think through events that took place in our lives and how we reacted to them. Regular self-assessment helps us identify areas that need correction. This makes us great learners. This helps with their overall self-development.
Introverts are great at building and maintaining relationships
Introverts value deep heart-to-heart connections and hardly have the patience for surface level communication. This is totally contrary to people’s general perception of introverts as those who don’t like interacting with others. In fact, introverts have great need and respect for intimacy in relationships. Our ability to think before speaking makes us have meaningful conversations with others. We are some of the nicest people to be around.
Introverts are great listeners
Don’t be deceived by the quiet nature of introverts. Introverts are great listeners and great listeners acquire a lot of knowledge from people around them. Our great listening ability makes us great leaders, and great leaders can rule the world!
We introverts have amazing skills that you have set us apart from others. And our uniqueness is our strength.

Are you an introvert?

47 responses

  1. I’m in introvert too and very much agree with these points. It’s definitely not bad to be a good listener- I remember a lot of what people say too! Love your outfit 🙂

  2. I love your tips on introverts. They are real and great points. I am an introvert too and a great listener. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I’ve never considered what kind of person I am but I think I may be an introvert and yes we are pretty skilled and good listeners. I agree.

  4. There is also another side of the introvert and that is a oxymoron. It is a introvert/extrovert. That’s what I am. I am very sociable yet not a big mixer. I can hold my own, I can listen and talk as part of what I do. Sociable yet introverted I think sums it up best. I am happy with my family and my own company. I don’t need alot of people around me. I dislike gatherings of people and do them when I have too only

  5. I’ve been introverted since I was little, REALLY little lol I definitely think it’s more of a blessing than a curse. There’re a lot of rewards with being an introvert 😊 I guess that’s why I prefer being a blogger

  6. I am an introvert. I was happy reading books in the corner as a child. It felt right to me until others began commenting. I have always avoided crowds and chose the shortcut home to the “quiet” bus stop as a teen. I felt awkward around large groups of people – still do but have found coping mechanisms.

    Thanks for your post.

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  9. Wow! I seriously agree with you hahaha. I am an introvert, a fucking introvert. And I’m proud of it. Simply because this is me hahaha whether I like it or not I can’t do anything about it.

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  11. Pingback: Freelancing - The Journey So Far - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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