The Beauty of Self Employment

There are still millions of people fighting hard to secure a 9-5 job, but there seems to be a more viable route that only a few are brave enough to take. Creating your own business is the most lucrative route and if you are deep thinker, you’ll see that it’s true.


OOTD A Tartan Dress


The reason why many people do not become self employed is because of the risks, challenges and downtimes one has to face before they can make enough to live on comfortably. They think that having a stable 9-5 is a safer way to make a living.

Those who think that way don’t realize that being employed can even be more risky than going self employed because you are putting the probability of you having a regular salary in the hands of others, rather than in your hands, if you look at it in a different way.

I know freelancing/self-employment is not for many people because it takes a lot of passion, perseverance, determination and hard work to sustain any business. Many can’t be bothered with all that and just settle for a regular job with a “guaranteed paycheck” and I understand that. But for those who are ready to take the self-employed or freelance route, here are some benefits you’ll get to experience.

  1. You get to determine your working hours

One of the first things you’ll experience from being self-employed is the large amount of time you’ll have to yourself. Unlike an office job, being self-employed gives you the opportunity to determine your working hours.

The more hours you put into your work, the more income you’ll receive. Since you’re more in control of your time, you get the opportunity to spend time with your family. Setting flexible working hours allows you to work, take part in family activities and enjoy precious moments.

  1. You can determine your level of income

At a 9-5 job you’re only entitled to a fixed salary which is your only source of income. Being self-employed gives you the opportunity to create multiple streams of income. For example, some probloggers have as many as 5-7 sources of income. They earn money from the ads placed on their blogs, sponsored posts, guest posts, product reviews, eBooks, they offer consultancy services, get hired to speak at events, and so on.

The more streams of income you create, the more money you’re able to earn. Freelancers make a good amount of money from passive income streams, so they make money even when they sleep. A wise man once said you an average wealthy person has at least 8 streams of income. How many streams of income do you have?

  1. You will know the true meaning of Freedom

This is something that working in an office will not give you. In a 9-5 you’re stuck within the 4 walls of an office. You have little freedom to work anywhere other than the office. When you’re self-employed you can work anywhere, anytime.

Thanks to the regular streams of income, you have the freedom to travel to different countries and are able to carry your business anywhere you are.

  1. You get to do what you love the most

The sad reality about a good number of employees is that they are working in a job that they hate. When you’re self-employed, you get the chance to build a business around something you love doing. You feel fulfilled with what you do and work no longer looks like work. Instead it’s loads of fun and you enjoy every minute of it.


Are you self-employed? How are you finding it?


31 responses

  1. To be properly self-employed and have my own business would be an absolute dream! I love having the freedom to do what I want with it being my own business! Hopefully one day soon my blog can become that for me!

  2. Thanks for making feel I haven’t made a mistake by starting my own business. Yes it gets tough sometimes and am almost giving up but I love love love what I do so I am determined to build an empire out of it. Great piece 😘

  3. Yaaaasssss it’s awesome running your own business! It gets tough sometimes and you will definitely feel like giving up but determination will keep the Passion burning. Great piece darling 😘

  4. This is true! It also means you probably work more than you ever have done before, and that you find it hard not to work, even when you’re on holiday or trying to take a break. But I guess if it doesn’t feel like work and you’re motivated to do it anyway, that’s not so much of an issue 🙂

  5. Very correct. There is nothing like being self employed. It gives you the time, peace, freedom, money and most important you are your own boss. Lol

  6. Love the posts and photos! So inspiring! I just posted my Netherland trip post! Very short! I’ll post more photos tomorrow! I have my Italy, London, and Switzerland posts up too! Let’s keep connected! Are you planning on traveling anytime soon? XOXO

  7. I’ve been self – employed for close to two decades now and I can say with all certainty that in spite of the many lows, it’s been an exciting and rewarding experience. What I love most is the freedom to do what I feel like doing, any time. It takes loads of courage and self – discipline to thrive, though.

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