How to Multitask Effectively

How would it be like if you could do so many things at the same time and have all your work done quicker? As a freelancer with so many deadlines to meet and projects to work on, finishing your work quickly sounds is the best thing anyone could ask for.



Although multitasking is not really welcomed by so many experts there has been a deep interest in the possibility of making the positive results become a reality. Experts say that multitasking does not necessarily make you do your work quickly and even if it did, your work would be shoddy and the quality below standard.

But does this mean that multitasking effectively is unattainable? Absolutely not! There is obviously a right and wrong way to do things. Freelancers need to be extremely careful when trying to multitask because most times you have your client’s work involved. The goal should always be to work quickly without compromising quality. And if you had to choose between speed and service, it would be wise to choose service at all times.

Here are steps you need to take to multitask effectively


Step #1 – Focus on what’s important

Prioritizing when it comes to multitasking is key. The main problem people face when it comes to multitasking is their ability to decide on which of the tasks to work on first and then switch to next.

Making decisions takes time and consequently eat into the little time you have left to work. Trying to figure out what to do next can leave you feeling confused.

Before you start the day decide on what you want to achieve and what you think are the most important tasks for the day. Try to limit yourself to 3 very important tasks.

Next arrange the task in order of priority and promise yourself that no matter what happens you will stick to the order.


Step #2 – Draw up a to-do list

Now that you have your 3 major tasks, next thing you need to do is have a list of steps you need to take to complete those tasks. The to-do list will give you a visual sequence of how you will tackle the task for the day.

At this stage it may seem like you’re not doing much of multitasking but it is necessary to make sure you make the most of your time.




Step #3 – Do the activities that can be done together

Grouping activities together is where the multitasking comes in. Unlike what most people do – doing several things at random – you now have a more defined set of activities you need to do, thanks to the to-do list.

However there are some activities that overlap. For example, let’s say you need to find inspirational quotes for your blog, curate content for your social media accounts and get in touch with your followers. You can do all this at the same time by grouping them together. You can go on Twitter and search for inspirational quotes, retweet the ones that will resonate with your audience (curating content) and answer your mentions (getting in touch with your audience) all at the same time.

So go through your list of activities and group the ones you can do at the same time. That will help you cut out a lot of time.


Step #4 – Practice makes perfect

The truth about multitasking is that you only get better with constant practice. Following the steps above correctly will help you get better at the art of multitasking effectively So don’t get discouraged at first when you are not able to work as fast as you had expected to.


Have you mastered the art of multitasking?

28 responses

  1. I’ve had to learn to multitask over the past few years at uni, full time work and blogging!
    I love your bag 🙂

    Dani x

  2. Stella, you are rocking that outfit. I multi-tasks a lot better then my husband – it a guy thing. they just don’t understand the concept. xx

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