Blogging Tips – How to Streamline your Blog Content Creation

Blogging is a lot of work. I have been blogging for close to 6 years now and it gets harder the more you blog. If you plan to take your blog from a hobby to a business, then you have to be prepared to do the work. I work pretty much everyday on one blog related job or the other. If I am not writing or articles blog posts, I am taking and editing photos, or scheduling social media posts.

There is always something to do when you work from home and run a business. It is tricky to separate home life from work life because it all happens in the same place. And my team are my family members but it works great for us. We won’t have it any other way.


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You can’t succeed as a content creator if you don’t create content regularly. A good way to stay on top of your content creation as a blogger is to streamline your content. Here are ways you can go about doing that.


Have a blogging schedule

I blog pretty much everyday, so that is my schedule. Sometimes, I am unable to blog for some days when life gets in the way which is the same for all of us. Having said that, it works better when your readers know when to expect a new blog post. Having a blogging schedule is a great way to grow your readership and stay ahead of the game.


Get a blogging journal

Blogging journals are great for writing down ideas and anything related to your blog. I always have mine on me for whenever inspiration strikes. If I am unable to get to my journal, I make use of my iPhone notepad. Have a list of blog post ideas in a journal means you always have fresh ideas for your blog posts.


Determine the objective of your content

Before you start writing your posts, it makes sense to determine the objective of the blog post. Once you have that outlined, then the rest of the content would follow naturally. Having a clear objective of your content means you have a good title, relevant focus keyword and additional keywords all good to go. That way the blog post would be interesting to read and easy to find on search engines.


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Keep writing

I write a post pretty much everyday. Sometimes I write about 2/3 posts a day, depending on deadlines and what campaigns I am working on. Writing everyday has helped me become a better writer. And my number 1 blogging tip to anyone thinking of turning their blog to a business, is to read and write as many times as possible everyday.

When it comes to streamlining your blog content creation, the more you write, the more blog posts you would have in your draft. So that means you would always have posts ready to be published even on days when you are unable to write.


How do you streamline your blog content creation? Do you have any tips to share?



53 responses

  1. I have been blogging for three years now and I still struggle with this. I always tell myself that I want to take one day and write like 5 blog posts for the next several weeks. However life always gets busy and it never quite happens that way! I love these tips. I recently just made a list of maybe 8 blog post ideas. I will be working through them as I have the time.

  2. I have been blogging for 4 years but still I get stuck. I have ideas but I often find myself out of words. May be because of my hectic schedule. I still take an evening out and pen down blog posts for next 2-3 weeks. May be it costs me a sleepless night but as I’m an insomniac that’s why it doesn’t matter but writing them down surely helps me a lot.

  3. I love these ideas! I really need to keep a journal and stick to a schedule. I like the concept of having a goal with each one, too.

  4. I just launched my blog this fall, so these tips are very helpful for me. Having a few posts already in draft, for example, was a good save this Sunday. 🙂

  5. I start blogging 2 to 3 months ago and so far I understand only one thing that is “Keep write and stay consistent with your blog post and share quality content”. Your these tips are really helpful for me in future so I am going to bookmark this. Love your pics too.

  6. Great read, I am soo bad in scheduling my blogs, there are days when i convince myself to streamline things and blog regularly and then there are days I just want to sit and relax.. it is really tough to maintain the balance.

  7. Thanks for this post! I have only been blogging since May and it’s way more work than I thought it would be. My goal is to eventually blog as a source of income, and it’s taking many hours, even though I really do enjoy it.

  8. Thank you for writing this. Sometimes you get stuck in a bit of a rut with writing for your blog and is nice to have plenty of subject to write about. I need to keep a journal of ideas.

  9. I really need to go back to the keep writing mantra when it comes to things. And then I need to get back on a schedule. I think I have allowed myself to get off track. But getting back will be good for me.

  10. I just survived writer block and it’s not a happy place to be. And the only way to get rid of it is to write everyday even though it meant only four lines. I would love to reach to a point wherein I can write 2/3 posts a day. 🙂

  11. I am so encouraged by your post, blogging is hard but I still love it and want to create more time to do it consistently. A blogging schedule would be a good idea to help me keep writing but i’m glad i know the objective of my content and my target audience. Over the year I want to see my blog evolve but i need to be willing to put in the work to grow it – going on two years almost! Thanks for sharing.

  12. These are some great ways to streamline blog content. I love writing my blog, but since having a baby, I can’t do as much as I would like to. Hopefully I can get back on track soon.

  13. I love the idea of keep a blogging journal. I’m always thinking of ideas for things to write about, think I’ll remember to write them all down when I get home, and often forget. xx

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