What Does A Facelift Consultation Involve?

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A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a term used to describe a surgical procedure that enhances signs of aging in your neck or face by removing or repositioning skin, muscle, or fat (NHS.UK, 2022). Some of the issues that a facelift can address include:

  • Sagging and relaxed skin on the face
  • Drooping skin on the jaw or cheeks
  • Deep crease or fold lines between the nose and corners of the mouth
  • Extra fat and loose skin in the neck that makes it look like a double chin
  • Facial fat that is lacking or is falling

Facelifts are cosmetic, therapeutic procedures and cannot essentially alter your looks or stop the aging process. Also, a facelift cannot treat irregular skin color, sun damage, or superficial wrinkles. These procedures are customized surgeries unique to the individual’s face and goals.

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What to Expect During a Facelift Consultation

If you have decided to get a facelift, it is good to consult a surgeon to learn more about the procedure and what to expect (American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2022). The visit will probably include:

  • Medical Exam and History. Be ready to answer questions about current and past medical issues, alcohol or drug use, history of smoking, previous surgeries, and complications. Your surgeon will conduct a physical exam and might ask for current medical records or order a consultation with an expert if they doubt your ability to have the surgery.
  • Medication Review. Give your doctor the name and dosages of any medications you regularly take, including dietary supplements, vitamins, herbal medicines, over-the-counter drugs, and prescription drugs.
  • Facial Exam. The plastic surgeon will photograph your face at different points and take close-up photos of certain features. They will also assess your bone structure, skin quality, fat distributions, and shape of your face to establish the best approach for facelift surgery.
  • Expectations. The surgeon will want to know about your expectations of the procedure’s outcomes. They will help you understand how a facelift affects your appearance and what it cannot do.
Types of Facelifts

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there are different types of facelifts, which include:

  • Mini Facelift. This is a modified form of the facelift that targets loose skin around the jawline and neck.
  • Mid-facelift. This is also referred to as a cheek lift, and it concentrates on rectifying sagging skin from the eyes to the upper mouth. The target area includes the nose and cheeks.
  • Nonsurgical facelift. This procedure does not need large incisions or anesthesia. However, it still addresses signs of aging, such as wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin. Thread lifts, liquid facelifts, and vampire facelifts are examples of nonsurgical procedures targeting skin on the face.

During the facelift consultation, you should communicate to your surgeon the area you would like him to work on, such as the lower face, rather than state a specific term for the procedure.

Which Type of Facelift is the Best?

Each type of facelift surgery is unique. Some target a specific area of the face, while others work on all or most face areas. A qualified surgeon can educate you on all facelift options and help you decide on the most suitable for you and your objectives.

Generally, the more excess or loose skin you have, the more complex the surgery will be. Your surgeon may recommend a traditional or complete facelift in such a case. If you only have early signs of aging or minimal skin looseness, they may opt for a less invasive procedure, such as a mini-facelift.

To produce a complete transformation, a facelift can be paired with other procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery. Again, it is essential to consult with a qualified surgeon to understand your options thoroughly.

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Which is the Ideal Age to Get a Facelift?

Most people get a facelift from the age of 40 to 60 when they start seeing signs of aging. There is no ideal age to have the procedure as people age differently due to different reasons such as environment, lifestyle, and genetics. It is essential to remember that facelifts typically last 7-10 years. Some people have the procedure during their mid-40s and then get a second one in their 60s to update the facelift.

How to Prepare for a Facelift

Preparation for a facelift is the same as preparing for any other surgery. Before you have the procedure, your doctor will request a pre-surgical evaluation or blood work. You may be asked to adjust an existing dosage or stop taking some medications before the surgery (webMD.com, 2022). You may also be asked to:

  • Apply certain products to the face before the surgery
  • Stop smoking
  • Stop taking herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory pain relievers, and aspirin to minimize the risk of bruising and bleeding.

Have someone drive you to and from the hospital as the procedure is done under general anesthesia. It is good to arrange for a friend or family member to stay with you for a day or two after surgery.

Recovering from a Facelift; What to Expect?

After the surgery, you will experience facelift surgery swelling and bruising that will last for at least two weeks. Some patients heal slowly, while others heal more quickly. The bandages should come off a few days after the procedure. You will have to see your surgeon several times within the initial two weeks after surgery to examine your swelling and bruising and remove the stitches.

Finding a Plastic Surgeon

Health insurance often does not pay for a facelift because facelifts are perceived as cosmetic procedures. Ensure that your surgeon is certified to perform plastic surgery procedures by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This will ensure that specific education standards, best practices, and expertise are upheld (webMD.com 2022).

You can also ask for referrals from family members or friends. Ask if they had a good experience with their surgeon. Research and choose a surgeon you are uncomfortable with. Meet with more than one surgeon to get a second opinion as an informed decision is wise.

Everything You Need To Know About The Celebrity Cheek Surgery

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Celebrity cheek surgery, also known as buccal fat removal, is a cosmetic procedure involving removing fat pads from the cheeks. These pads can often make a person’s face look rounder and fuller, so removing them can create a more defined look. This procedure is often used to create a more sculpted and youthful appearance.

The surgery is generally completed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to go home on the same day. The operation takes around 30 minutes and requires little time to recover. Most individuals can resume their regular activities within a week following the surgery.

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Benefits of celebrity cheek surgery

Sculpts and contours the cheeks for a more youthful appearance. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and the fatty tissue in our face begins to sag. This can cause our cheeks to look sunken and hollow. Buccal fat removal can help create a more youthful appearance by sculpting and contouring the cheeks.

Creates a slimmer appearance

If you are unhappy with the fullness of your cheeks, celebrity cheek surgery can create a slimmer appearance.

It can be combined with other procedures

Celebrity cheek surgery is often performed with other facial rejuvenation procedures like facelift or eyelid surgery. This can help to create better results.

Short recovery time

The operation is rather quick, taking around 30 minutes, and the recuperation period is quite brief. Within a week, most individuals can resume their regular routines.

Minimally invasive

Unlike some other cosmetic procedures, celebrity cheek surgery is minimally invasive. There is no cutting or stitching involved. The surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth and insert a thin tube to remove the fat pads. Like any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with cheek surgery. These include:


Infection is always a risk with any surgery. The risk of infection can be minimized by choosing a reputable surgeon and following their post-operative care instructions carefully.


There is always a risk of bleeding during and after surgery. This can usually be controlled with pressure dressings or medication.

Nerve damage

Cheek surgery involves cutting and moving facial muscles, which can sometimes lead to nerve damage. This is usually temporary, but it can be permanent in rare cases.


All surgeries will leave some scars, but the scars from cheek surgery are usually well hidden. In some cases, the surgeon may use special techniques to minimize scarring.

Reacting to anesthesia

Some people may have an allergic reaction to the anesthesia used during surgery. This is rare but can be serious.

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Celebrity Cheek Surgery: The Cost

The cost of celebrity cheek surgery will vary depending on several factors, such as the type of procedure being done, the surgeon’s fees, and the location of the surgery. You can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 for the surgery itself.

Preparation for celebrity cheek operation

Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon before undergoing any surgery. During your consultation, the surgeon will assess your facial features and discuss your goals for surgery. They will also explain the risks and benefits of the procedure and the expected cost.

Cheek Surgery Procedure


There are a variety of anesthetic options available for cheek surgery. Anesthesia used will be based on the extent of the procedure being done and the patient and surgeon’s preferences. Some of the anesthesia methods used include:

Local anesthesia

It involves numbing the area around the incision site with a local anesthetic. This is typically used for small, minimally invasive procedures.

General anesthesia

It involves putting the patient to sleep with general anesthesia. This is used for larger procedures or for anxious patients about to undergo surgery.

Intravenous sedation

It involves giving the patient medication through an IV to help them relax during surgery. This is often used for patients that are anxious about the surgery but do not want to be put to sleep.

The incision

The cheek surgery incisions are made inside the mouth in the lower gum line. This helps to ensure that the scars are well hidden. In some cases, an external incision may be made just below the lower eyelashes. After making the incisions, the surgeon will lift the skin and muscle to access the underlying bone.

Reshaping the bone

Once the underlying bone is accessed, the surgeon will reshape it to achieve the desired look. This may involve removing, adding, or rearranging bone. In some cases, implants may also achieve the desired results.

Closing the incisions

After the bone has been reshaped, the incisions will be closed with sutures. The type of suture used will depend on the location of the incision and the surgeon’s preference. In some cases, skin adhesive or tape may also be used to close the incisions.


After surgery, patients will typically experience some swelling and bruising. This can usually be controlled with ice packs and pain medication. Most people will need to take at least a week off from work or their normal activities to recover. To minimize the chance of complications, you must carefully follow your surgeon’s post-operative treatment instructions.


The results of cheek surgery are typically long-lasting. However, it is important to remember that the aging process will still occur. Additionally, weight gain or loss can affect the results of surgery. For these reasons, patients should maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle after surgery.


Celebrity cheek surgery is a procedure that can help to improve the appearance of the face. The cost of the surgery will vary depending on several factors but can be expected to range from $5,000 to $10,000. The surgery results are long-lasting but may be affected by weight gain or loss. Patients should maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle after surgery to help ensure the best possible results.

Getting Hair Coloring Near You in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Getting Hair Coloring Near You in Charlotte, North Carolina picture

It can be a bit of a frustrating experience looking to get your hair done especially if you are new in Charlotte, North Carolina. Not just because you need to find the right salon for you but also because there is no shortage of great salons, and this can make you indecisive.

Another source of frustration is that it does not matter if you are looking to just get a haircut, hairstyle, or just change your hair color there are still a lot of things to consider. Things like skin tone, the right style for your facial features, and even events that you can wear them to.

It gets worse when you have had bad experiences while experimenting with new looks, especially hair colors. This has probably led you to believe that you should only expect epic fails and little success from trying out new things.

As a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina, you are probably no stranger to how great the salons in the city are. If you are new, a simple Google search on hair coloring near me is enough to give you a list of the right ones to visit.

It is one thing to find a great place to fix your locks, but a different ball game to find the right color that suits you. If you have decided to do this and are not sure what is right for you, either due to so many options, thus making it hard to choose, or if you are clueless about what to go for. Here are some things you should know to help you narrow down your options and help you on your way.

The Right Questions to Ask

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Just like any other thing in life, there is a process to choosing the right color for your locks and it might not be as easy as you expect, but one thing you can rely on is the excitement that comes with it. Therefore, the difficulty of the process should not hinder you from doing what you want.

Indeed, it is not easy to choose the perfect shade and the various factors to consider before choosing do not make it easier but, trust the process, it is definitely worth it. Because of the factors to consider, there are several questions that need to be answered before going ahead to change your hair color; keep reading to find out more:

How dramatic do you expect it to be?

This is an important question to think about before choosing a shade to go with. Are you looking for something dramatic? Do you want something that will call attention to you? Or are you just looking to change your look to something subtle? Do you want to go a shade lighter or darker?

There are so many factors that can affect how dramatic the shade you are going for will be. Factors like personal preference, maintenance, and most importantly environment. The environment should play a major role while making your choice of color.

The environment is not just limited to where you stay but also where you work and where you go most of the time. Therefore, before choosing a drastic shade you must consider how accepting your environment will be of your look.

If you work in a corporate environment, or if you tend to go to a lot of business meetings it is advisable to choose a more subtle color. However, if you work in the fashion or media and entertainment industry, the more dramatic the better. You can check here https://www.pinterest.com/gadaboutsalons/hair-color/  for some beautiful color ideas for your new look.

Are you okay with coloring your hair often?

There is a high chance that this question is not even on your mind. This is a question you should be thinking about. If you have decided to go for a dramatic shade, you need to know that you will have to dye it regularly (every 2 to 4 weeks or so).

What this means is that it will take more time and money irrespective of whether you plan to do it yourself or employ the services of a professional. However, if you decide on a shade closer to the color of your natural locks, there is no need for you to dye it very often.

This begs the question, are you ready to spend more time and money on maintaining your hair coloring? If your answer is yes, then awesome!!! If not, then it is best to go for a subtle option.

Are you okay with the color’s effect on your hair and appearance?

It is of utmost importance to know what the addition of a lighter or darker shade can do to your locks. When you use a darker shade, your locks tend to feel thicker and heavier however, a lighter shade emphasizes layers and textures making your locks feel less heavy.

As hair is a part of fashion, it also makes a statement; this means that the color of your choice is saying something about you. Therefore, before you choose a shade for your hair, it is important to know if your choice is giving you the right representation. The goal is not to hide but let your true self shine through. You can click here to learn more about how to choose the right shade for your locks.


The exploration process of choosing the right shade for you can be indeed daunting but it is in fact the most fun part of it all. This is because it gives you the chance to get to know yourself all over again from a totally different perspective.

What better way is there to fall in love with you all over again? What better way is there to appreciate and choose you over and over again? What better way is there to explore and find all the styles that make you feel like the most beautiful version of yourself?

But do not forget to preserve your hair color for as long as possible with quality shampoos and conditioners. Make sure to use only good quality products to avoid damage to your hair and most importantly create a hair care routine to keep your locks in their best condition.



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