Vivienne Westwood Designs Virgin Atlantic Uniforms

Vivienne Westwood has redesigned the famous Virgin Atlantic red uniforms for all employees. The new ensembles will make their debut for the first time from July 2013 and will be launched officially in 2014.

The uniforms are made using recycled materials – including polyester yarn that originated from plastic bottles and canvas created from reused roadside banners and leather off-cuts – and also incorporate Westwood’s well-tailored, figure-hugging signatures.

“I really think that Richard Branson has really good motives for everything he does, said Westwood, before explaining her motives for creating the ethically-minded uniforms. “Fashion – actually let’s call it clothing, because most of it isn’t fashion – is one of the biggest polluters, it must be with all that landfill. My main focus is quality, rather quantity, and I’ve been saying to people, ‘Buy less, choose well, make it last’, Rather than just keep sucking things up.”

You can read the full interview with Vivienne Westwood and Richard Branson on their new collaboration in the June issue of Vogue, out on news stands now.



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