Top 5 Favourite Apps

As an avid app lover, I am always on my smartphone making the most of my top 5 favourite apps. These apps are a huge part of my quiet time, and they keep me very busy. With the rise in technology, there are so many options when it comes to apps and things to do online, and it can get a bit too much. This is one of the main reasons why I like to stick to my top 5 favourite apps.


As a music lover, I can’t be without my good old Spotify app. I go on my Spotify app pretty much everyday. Music is a great way to unwind and relax. Music is so therapeutic and it’s a big part of my day. I have hundreds of songs arranged in various playlists on the Spotify app, and I am forever adding new songs to them. Gospel tracks are my favourites! Some of my current favourite gospel songs are by  Cece Winans, Minister GUC, Moses Bliss and Ebuka Songs. I also love listening to Enya and I have a whole playlist dedicated to her tracks.

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This colourful and cool meditation app is another favourite of mine. I love exploring the Headspace because there’s a lot of content on it. There are various meditation for different things like finding rest, healing and growth, anger and sadness, and more. I love how organised the app is with many collections under various themes for different parts of the day. 

Bible App

The Bible App is definitely one of favourite apps. I have used this app religiously for many years and it is a huge part of my day. The daily clips are so handy, and there is always a new bible plan to soak into. It is also quite easy to navigate, you won’t even need a dummy’s guide to find your way around the Bible App.


This is another Christian app I really enjoy using on a daily basis. It is filled with so much content and they are very organised in various categories. I love the daily short sessions, they are great for a quick boost. The Abide App complements the Bible App nicely, I use them both everyday.


Canva is great as a creative outlet. I use it for creating visual content and it is quite easy to use. There are loads of templates to suit various projects, so there should be something for everything.

Are you favourite apps on this list?


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