How to Evaluate the Reliability of an Online Casino

How to Evaluate the Reliability of an Online Casino image


Online casino gaming has become quite popular over recent years as it offers users convenience and a chance to enjoy the thrill of various casino games. This has in turn encouraged lots of investors to join the industry, and there are hundreds of online casinos available today. However, each of them varies in the quality of service it provides, and others are outright scams meant to defraud unsuspecting gamers.

Before you choose an online casino, it’s advisable that you carry out some due diligence and evaluate its reliability. But how do you do this? We’ll show you the factors to consider in this guide.

Check It’s Licensing and Regulation

Checking the licensing and regulation is the starting point in the world of online casinos. This is because having a proper licence and regulatory authority cuts down the work for you as these authorities hold the casinos to high operational standards. They ensure that a casino operates legally, provides security to player data and finances, and deals fairly with all players.

Online casinos usually display the licensing information on the lower side of the main page. Head there and check whether the casino provides it, then counter-check it online to verify its legitimacy. Ideally, prioritise online casinos licensed by reputable bodies such as the UK Gambling Commission, which regulates the best UK online casino platforms. Other reputable regulators include the Malta Gaming Authority, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, and the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority.

Reputation and Reviews

There are lots of other gamers who have used the online casino you are considering, and it only makes sense to get their views first. This is quite easy in the age of social media as users leave reviews on various platforms and gaming forums. Use this to get an idea of the casino’s reputation and learn about other players’ experiences.

While checking the reviews and testimonials, be keen on things such as the user experience, customer service, payment durations, range of games, and the overall gaming experience. Since different users will have different views, try to create your own insights based on the information you’ll find, then compare this with what users have to say about a competitor you are considering.

Security Measures & Certifications

Top 10 casinos use advanced security measures to protect personal information and finances. However, the level of security employed will vary from one casino to the other, so it’s good to assess it. As a bare minimum, the online casino should use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to transmit data between players and the casino’s servers. This is easy to tell, as a site should have https instead of http.

Some online casinos also provide extra information about how they protect your data. However, for maximum security, you can opt for an online casino that is certified by third-party security companies. The certification should also extend to the games used, as there are bodies such as eCOGRA that evaluate and certify casino games to ensure security and fairness. This is quite important as unscrupulous operators can skew the Random Number Generators (RNGs) used in games such as roulette and online slots.

Software Providers and Game Selection

We always consider the number and variety of games offered by online casinos, but it’s also good to consider the providers. Online casinos know this is important, so they always display the name of each game’s developer. Some of the biggest and most reliable names you’ll come across are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playtech, and Evolution Gaming.

Going for reputable software providers will protect you from unfair games. Big-name providers usually work closely with certification authorities to ensure fairness, and they also have a name to protect. On top of that, ensure that you always check the Return to Player (RTP) percentages of online slot game, as this can protect you from unfair games.

Customer Support and Responsiveness

Reliable online casinos usually offer top-notch customer support to assist and guide players whenever needed. On the other hand, less reputable ones will limit the interactions between players and representatives. It’s therefore good to check out the customer support options provided. Live chat support is the gold standard, but various casinos also provide email, social media, and telephone support.

Besides the options available, you can also evaluate the responsiveness by testing the customer support option you prefer. If you don’t want to do that, ensure that you check out online reviews from users who have used the casino’s customer support. This should give you a good idea of how reliable the online casino is.


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