Fashion Diva Of The Week – Molekor

Our fashion diva of the week is Molekor from Abuja, Nigeria.


She is wearing an Ankara embellished peplum top by Shona 100%, blue wash jeans by Tommy Hilfiger, bag and shoes by Shona 100% and jewelry by Arisha’s. I love that peplum top. Shona 100% is an Abuja based designer, Arisha is an accessories retailer also based in Abuja.


Here, our fashion diva is wearing a mixed print dress and studded heels by Shona 100%, jewelry by Arisha’s. I want those heels.

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Here,Molekor is wearing a floral dress by Dorothy Perkins and orange pumps by Zara. Nice.


For her final look, our stylish fashion diva is wearing a neutral beige dress by H&M, orange pumps by Zara and jewelry by Verche L’Art cessoire.

I love all her looks. Which is your favourite?

**Molekor is a fashion stylist and blogger and you can find her stylish here –

If you want to feature as a fashion diva of the week, please send full length pictures of yourself, your first name, your location and the names of the labels you have on to

Thanks for reading and do share.

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