Facial Reshaping – What You Need To Know

*Collaborative post.

There are many reasons people opt for facial reshaping, and top on that list is skin improvement. Below is information on what facial reshaping entails, the do’s and don’ts, and the eligibility checklist of people who can get this procedure done.

What is Facial Reshaping?

This procedure is done on a patient’s face to alter certain aspects of their facial features for an improved overall look or to correct a facial inadequacy. The procedure works by adjusting the facial bones to get the patient’s desired look.

Why is Facial Reshaping Done?

Facial reshaping can be done for both medical and cosmetic reasons. It can be surgical or non-invasive, depending on the results and the extent of the defect. So why would a person want to get facial reshaping?

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1. Birth Defects

Some birth inadequacies will warrant a craniofacial reconstruction to make the facial features work together better and alleviate certain health problems. This is a surgical procedure that will utilize the expertise of both a plastic surgeon and a neurosurgeon because it touches on the brain, facial bones, and nerves. The facial inadequacies corrected by this particular facial reshaping surgery are lip and palate inadequacies and correction of Apert syndrome. This surgery is done as early as possible, even in infancy, to avoid social stigma and enhance the patient’s quality of life.

2. Facial Definition

The major reason behind getting facial reshaping is to add more definition to facial features, which alternatively improves other features resulting in a better overall look. Bones in the chin, nose, cheeks, forehead, and neck are altered to change the shape of the face. Research shows that more people are getting face reshaping to add more femininity or masculinity to their faces. People will seek to change certain features attributed to specific ethnicities, such as hooded eyes and lack of a properly defined jawline. A desire to have a more asymmetrical face or adhere to certain defined beauty standards in your region is a huge driving force for getting facial reshaping.

3. Aging

Certain facial reshaping options, such as a facelift procedure, help reduce the visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin on the face and neck. This provides a refreshing new look with firmer skin, making you look younger. As we age, our nasolabial folds become deeper and are more noticeable when we smile or laugh. These folds can make one self-conscious, especially when they are too deep; however, facial reshaping treatments and a lifestyle change such as not smoking can easily overcome this problem. Facial reshaping helps improve worn-out facial features to reduce the tired look synonymous with aging.

How is Facial Reshaping Done?

Facial reshaping can be done both surgically or using non-surgical procedures.

1. Non-Surgical Facial Reshaping

There are a couple of minimally invasive methods, especially for people aiming for a younger look. The first method is the use of medical codes, which are the injection of dermal fillers that can be made from hyaluronic acid, polymethylmethacrylate, and calcium hydroxylapatite, among others. The plastic surgeon will inject these fillers into the superficial intradermal layer. This will provide a more supple-looking skin and offer structural support usually lost as we age. Botox is also a viable non-surgical reshaping option to reshape the face. The effects of non-surgical procedures last up to a few months and need to be re-done to maintain the youthful look.

There is also radiofrequency energy, which is considered minimally invasive and has longer-lasting effects than the use of fillers. The two main energy frequencies applied are Embrace RF and Fractora RF, that trigger collagen production for a fuller face.

2. Surgical Facial Reshaping

This method can be done by fat grafting and adding silicone implants to the face’s hollow areas, which smoothens the wrinkles and fills out hollow spaces. Fat grafting involves the transfer of fat to the face from other areas of the patient’s body. Even though this is a surgical procedure, it takes a fairly short amount of time to be done, and the effects are permanent. Most surgeons will prefer fat grafting as it has fewer health risks than other options and is less likely to be rejected by the body as the fat is assimilated during healing.

The other popular method is the use of silicone implants because they can easily mimic the curves in your face and provide the required shape. Facial osteotomies can be performed to correct maxillary deficiencies that have the added benefit of facial reshaping and rejuvenation.

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Who is Eligible for Facial Reshaping?

There are certain criteria to be met to determine whether you qualify for facial reshaping, which are;

  1. People above forty-five years old who have significant fat loss, especially around the cheeks, and advanced jowl formation are viable candidates for this procedure.
  2. Patients who have had facial tumors removed that left dents and loose skin.
  3. People looking to get a more feminine or masculine feature.
  4. People born with congenital disabilities are easily reversible with face shaping techniques.
  5. Victims of face trauma after an accident.
What Risks are Associated with Face Reshaping?

All surgical and even minimally invasive procedures, whether cosmetic or medical, carry significant risks that the patient should be made aware of and prepared for. Some of the most likely effects you will experience after the procedure are;

  • Increases risk of infection
  • Pain
  • Bruising on the area of the incision
  • Significant swelling as you heal
  • Loss of feeling that might last a couple of weeks
  • Bleeding
  • Prolonged healing time
  • Nutritional deficiencies, especially if you’ve has jaw and chin reshaping.

Most of these risks are prominent in all surgeries, and you will get medication to prevent and cope with the symptoms. Others such as inflammation and numbness are the body’s natural reaction to changes and will go away with time without any assistance or medical intervention. It would help if you noted any worrying signs such as excessive bleeding that doesn’t subside after a few days, a change in color at the incision site, and an inability to breathe properly and inform your doctor immediately.

Facial reshaping offers a lifeline for people looking for a youthful look or correct congenital disabilities with results that last a long time or even throughout their life.

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