Half Term with Hasbro

It is holiday time for us. The kiddies are on half term this week and it has been interesting so far. We are off for a mini vacation later this week and I can’t wait. It has busy here with us planning for our trip and keeping the twins busy. It is their first half term at Big School, so they are still getting used to the fact that there won’t be any school this week. Thankfully, they have been busy this half term with Hasbro. Hasbro kindly sent the kiddies  a backpack each full of Hasbro goodies, and that has kept them very busy.


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Hasbro Half Term Goodies

The backpacks are really pretty. I love the simple design and colours they got. The backpacks came personalised as well (that bit has been photoshopped out for various reasons) which I think makes them even more special. Each backpack included a personalised pencil-case and notepad, pens, markers, erasers,  YELLIES, Lost Kitties, Lock Stars and my daughter got My Little Pony Cutie Mark Crew. These items have been a life saver this half term.


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The Secret Diaries and YELLIES

These items have kept the kiddies very busy this week. They love reading and writing, so they have been spending time writing in their little cute notepads. My daughter calls it her secret diary.

The YELLIES toys have also kept them very busy. My son got the  YELLIES  Klutzers while my daughter got the YELLIES Flufferpuff. Their YELLIES collection is growing quite quickly and they are so fascinated by them. If you have started shopping for Christmas presents, I recommend you check out YELLIES. The Kiddies had the opportunity to take a toy each to school the other day, to share with their friends as an incentive, and they went for their YELLIES. I heard it was a hit with all the kids in their Reception class.


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My Little Pony Surprise Mini Figure & More YELLIES

My Little Pony Surprise Mini Figure was one of my daughter’s favourite items in the backpack. She is a true My Little Pony fan, and keeps collecting the ponies. Her collection is continuously growing bigger and bigger. And she was so happy to get this mini pony. The pack included a figure, accessory, case, and collector card.


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The Lock Stars

The Lock Stars is also a hit with the kiddies. They find them very fascinating and were able to unlock the padlocks and decorate their backpacks themselves. It was fun to watch them find the right keys! These lockable surprise toys are a hit in our house now. I like how colourful and pretty the Lock Stars are. We will definitely be shopping for some more of them.


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The Lost Kittens

With the Lost Kittens, the kiddies enjoyed digging for the hidden treasures and they were pleased with what they found. A Lost Kitties figure and 3 more surprises were hiding inside each pack.


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These Hasbro goodies are definitely going to keep the kiddies very busy this half term. With the miserable weather outside, we are spending most of the week indoors before jetting off for our holiday, so I am pleased they are loving these items. They are definitely great half term survival items and we are thankful Hasbro sent them over.

What do you think of these items? How are you spending the half term?


*PR samples.


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