The Art of Smelling Good

Th formula to smelling good is different for everyone. Our bodies react to fragrances and products differently, which affects the way we smell. Our physical hygiene, genetics, hormones, lifestyle, diet and environment all play a role in how we smell. Which is why, it is important to pay attention to all these elements and figure out your own art of smelling good. Having said that, there are great ways of ensuring you smell your best. Here are some tried and tested tips you may find useful.

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Pay attention to your physical hygiene

This simply means having daily showers and wearing clean underwear and clothes. Skipping showers is a no-no due to the build up of swear, dirt, sebum (natural body oils), and dead skin cells. This combination can lead to bacteria on the skin and creates unpleasant odour that lingers. Having a great physical hygiene is the foundation to smelling good.

Get rid of old clothes and underwear

Getting rid of old clothes and underwear is the next step in the art of smelling. Once your pieces no longer fresh, they should be discarded. Undies should be updated regularly and you should have a good number at a time.

Exfoliate and shave

Exfoliating the skin helps gets rid of dead skin cells, and this keeps the skin fresh and clean. A body scrubbing brush can help with this. Shaving regularly, especially the underarms is another important step in ensuring you smell great. Also, depending on much you sweat, you would need to apply a deodorant or antiperspirant after shower.

Layer on perfumes

Layering perfumes and body sprays is another fab tip. Opt for fragrances that complement each other, rather compete against each other. Also, go for perfumes and body sprays that suit your body chemistry. You can get little bottles of fragrances you like, and try them to discover the right scents to layer. Do ensure you don’t go overboard with the layering though.

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