14 Ways to Travel Luxury for Less

For some people having the words “travel” and “luxury” in one sentence can be a bit of a stretch. It’s not because it’s not possible. But most times, when you look at your budget it looks impossible to dream of having both travel and luxury at the same time.  I love travelling and I like to go for as much luxury as my bank balance would let me. You won’t catch me willingly going camping or glamping. I like the whole luxury hotel/travel destination.

Waking up in a place like the french riviera mansions would be a dream come true. 

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This dream may seem far-fetched but it is possible. When there is a will, there is a way! There are specific tips that you can apply that will give you the opportunity to enjoy an awesome and luxurious vacation even on a shoestring budget. Here are 14 ways you can travel luxury for less.

  1. Opt for a vacation rental

For those who have never heard of vacation rental service, it is the renting out of a furnished apartment, house, or professionally managed resort-condominium complex on a temporary basis to tourists as an alternative to a hotel. This service is now very popular with tourists, especially in the US. It offers you the opportunity to enjoy luxury accommodation at a cheaper price, which is what every tourist needs.

  1. Try non-tourist locations

Areas flooded with tourists are expensive. We visited New York in April, and it was one of the most expensive trips ever. And we only stayed for 2 nights! If you can help it, avoiding popular holiday destinations is the best way to travel. Non-tourist spots give you the full experience of the place where you intend to spend your vacation. Since such locations are far away from the view of tourists, you get to save a lot from the trip too.

  1. Travel in the off-season

During the peak season, everything from flights, hotels, and even food increase in price, while they go down during the off-season. Traveling during the off-peak season if you can is your best bet to enjoy your vacation for less. That way, you can stay at luxurious venues like Amanyara Resort in Turks and Caicos without having to compromise on other indulgences during your trip. The kiddies are still in pre-school so we still have the chance to go on holiday in the off-peak season without a care in the world.

  1. Take advantage of last-minute deals

Airlines, travel agents, and some third-party websites usually have amazing deals that give you the opportunity to have a luxurious vacation. But take note: most of these deals require that you travel at short notice. If you are flexible enough to do this, I would say grab any opportunity you get. Travel is like food to the soul.

  1. Ask for an upgrade

This may sound cheeky, but if you want an upgrade, just ask. It’s surprising what you can get when you ask nicely. Did you know that if there’s a free seat in business class, you can have it if you ask? Just ask for a free upgrade – but make sure you look the part to double your chances of getting a YES!

  1. Have a vacation where your currency is worth more

This nifty trick can give you the opportunity to afford luxury options in your travel. When you travel to countries where your currency is worth more, their luxury options will cost you far less. This is why I LOVE travelling to Dubai. I have been to the amazing country 3 times now and I am already counting down to my next trip!

  1. Use travel reward cards

Travel reward cards give you points for every purchase you make. These points can help you redeem the cost of some of your luxury expenses. This can help you save a lot on your trip, so make the most of the opportunity.

  1. Travel in a group

The costs of traveling by yourself can be more expensive compared to traveling with a group. When you travel with a group, the travel costs are spread and it is a lot more fun when you travel with family/friends.

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  1. Fly on Tuesdays

Tuesdays happen to be days with low demand. Consequently, airfares are cheaper. If you book your flights to and from your destination, you’ll save a lot of money. Travelling on Tuesday is the smart way to travel.

  1. Eat out at lunchtime

Now, this is a tried and tested tip. Having lunch at an expensive restaurant is so much cheaper than eating dinner at the same restaurant. Lunch menus are usually a lot cheaper. So if you want to eat out and save some money, make sure it’s during lunchtime.

  1. Plan your flights

There’s a rule of thumb you have to keep in mind when you are planning your flights. Long-haul flights must be for longer trips, while short-haul flights must be for shorter trips. Short haul flights are cheaper and they come along with points too.

  1. Check out deals sites

Always browse through the deals sites before booking a trip. It makes sense to provide discounts on activities that will make your vacation even more special. You can enjoy discounts for meals at restaurants and even spa treatments.

  1. Enjoy a drink at the bar

If you want to have a drink and unwind, then skip the bar at the hotel. Bars at hotels are usually expensive, but you can enjoy a good drink at bars in the locality at a far cheaper price.

14. Plan your trip in advance 

My last and most important tip is for you to plan your trip well in advance. That way you have the time to do your research and plan your whole itinerary.


*Collaborative post.

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