How To Have An Enjoyable Trip To London

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London is a spectacular and attractive place to visit. It’ll be a trip to remember when you put the following tips into action. Your travels will go smoother, and you’ll have a better experience when you prepare and plan ahead.

There are a few steps to take if you want to have an enjoyable trip to London. You want your time and money to be well spent and return home satisfied with how it all played out. Once you arrive, be sure to relax and go with the flow, and don’t let a few obstacles stand in your way of having an excellent and fun trip.

Do Your Homework & Plan

You can have a more enjoyable trip to London when you do your homework ahead of time. It would help if you took the time to research the best times of year to visit London and what you may want to see and do. Get to know their language in advance and what currency to use when you arrive. Pack light and bring along your camera to document your trip in detail. It’ll also help to set a budget for your trip so you can plan accordingly and won’t have any regrets when you return home.

Learning a foreign language is an excellent way to prepare for your trip to London. Even though English is the primary language spoken in the city, knowing some basic phrases and vocabulary in the local language can make a huge difference in your communication with locals and help you better understand the culture. Apps like Duolingo and Babbel can be great resources for learning the language before your trip. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to connect with locals, navigate the city with ease, and have a more enjoyable and immersive travel experience in London.

Choose the Right Accommodations

One aspect of visiting London that will make or break your trip is your accommodations. Choose an elegant and inviting hotel and area such as the Dorsett Hotel, Shepherds Bush that you know won’t disappoint. They have it all including, being near shopping and close to restaurants and bars, complimentary Wi-Fi, and a 24-hour gym to keep you healthy while you travel. You’re going to want to be right in the midst of all the action and fun, so this hotel will be suitable for you on your trip to London.

Create A Loose Daily Itinerary

There’s so much to see and do in London that it can be overwhelming. Therefore, create a loose daily itinerary that you can follow when you arrive. You want to make sure you prioritise your list of what you want to see and do and then plan for how you’ll get around from one place to the next in a timely fashion. London is a very walkable city so you can plan to bring your comfortable shoes and travel on foot a lot. Although you want to stay busy, also remember to schedule some downtime where you can enjoy your hotel and put your feet up and relax.

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Plan for Eating & Drinking

You’ll definitely want to commit to trying new foods while on your trip to London. There are a plethora of restaurants and bars to check out and enjoy while you travel. Check out the reviews online ahead of time to get a better idea of what’s popular and worth trying. Mix it up by visiting a cafe for lunch one afternoon and getting dressed up to eat at a fancier restaurant the next night. You’ll be eating and drinking your way through the city, so it’s another reason why you’ll want to have a gym at your hotel.


6 Apps To Help You On Your Travels

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What a year it’s been, with lots of our travel plans cancelled, many of us are looking forward to fewer restrictions sometime in the new year! Depending on where you are in the world, you might be lucky enough to still be going on a short holiday before the year is up. When you’re getting ready for your trip, here are a few apps that may come in handy.

1 . TripIt

When you’re planning a travelling trip there’s so much to organise, and TripIt can help you to get things in order. Using this application you can create itineraries, and keep your important documents in one place. Once you’ve made a reservation, you can send the details directly to the app, to keep track of all your bookings. Whether it’s your car rental, your hotel, your luggage storage, or your flights, TripIt keeps all your info safe and sound. The application designs you a personalized schedule, so you’ll always know exactly where you need to be, and when. You can access the airport and terminal maps, plus get safety scores based on the areas you are visiting.

a great help. The application tells users exactly what they should take on their trip, so there’s no more packing fuss. First, you input your trip details, and then Packpoint tells you what to bring using info about your destination, the weather, your trip duration, and the activities you’ll be doing. Packpoint will also take into account whether you are going to have access to any laundry services.

2. TripLingo

With the TripLingo app, you can get yourself nice and prepared for your adventure ahead. First off, you choose the country you are going to, and then download the ‘country pack’. Here you’ll find language info, key phrases, and a voice translator. Simply speak into the app, and it will translate your voice into the language of your choice. It’s far easier to explore a new place when you’ve got a bit of language support. TripIt can also help you to and learn a thing or two about the culture. With TripLingo you’ll have everything you need to make the most of your trip.

3. Rome to Rio

Using the Rome to Rio app you can speed up your journey times, and find the best route to get you where you want to go. First, you type in any landmark, address, or city, and then the app will show you all your transport options, to get to your chosen destination. From the application, you can find out the fastest route, the cheapest route, plus you can even book accommodation.

4. Duo Lingo

Duo Lingo is one of the leading language learning apps out there. It’s super fun, and it’s also free, here you can learn 35+ languages, using bite-sized sessions. The app helps users to practice their listening, reading, and speaking, plus work on their vocab and grammar. Whether you’re looking to learn Italian, French, Chinese, Spanish, and more, there are plenty of options to support you on your travels.

When you’re planning your top travel destinations for the new year, these apps have all you need to get nice and organised.

5 . Packpoint 

Does the mere thought of packing stress you out? Are you forever forgetting the things you need to take, or packing too many items? If you can relate, the Packpoint app can be

Tips For Making Your Luggage Carrying A Little Easier

*Collaborative post.

Tips For Making Your Luggage Carrying A Little Easier picture

When it comes to getting up and heading off to a new land – albeit for only a week or two – there are a bunch of things that come into play. You need to have every formality handled, you need to be mentally prepared, and you need to make sure everything is packed. There are many other factors that come into play, but those three are pretty significant for holidaymakers and travellers alike. 

The point about packing is and will always be one of the most important issues for someone travelling to another part of the world. It can be quite a tedious affair, and you can be left annoyed if you don’t get everything right. Packing and making sure you’ve taken what you need is one thing, but the process of hauling it all around for miles and miles isn’t something everyone enjoys either. It’s all worth it when you reach the destination, but shifting the luggage around isn’t fun, right? 

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be as grueling as perhaps you might think. There are a few little tricks you can do to lower the strain on this particular workout. Here are a few ideas for you:


Plan Your Routes Out Beforehand  

If you know where you’re going, then you don’t have to worry about going the long way round when it comes to finding wherever it is you’re staying (or heading to next). Knowing a few shortcuts or being able to get to where you want to without hesitating is always going to be a bonus. Also, look at public transport routes as they’ll do you a huge favor – anything that means less carrying for you would be delightful. 


Don’t Pack Impulsively 

The more you have in your small or large cases will determine how difficult the journey will be, of course. If you have lots of essentials, then, by all means, pack them. If you’re feeling a little generous and want a few more luxury items on board, perhaps you should rethink and double-check what you’re doing. Sometimes a few things can stay at home!


Look For Something That’s Nice On The Hands 

When it comes to actually bringing in a suitcase to carry your items in, perhaps you should look at the ergonomic value of it. Something that costs very little or something that looks nice might work for you, but the novelty might wear off quickly when you realize that it’s not helping your poor fingers or spine. 


Find A Place To Store!

You don’t have to carry your luggage absolutely everywhere you go. Fortunately, there are places in big towns and cities alike that will take your stuff and store it for a reasonable fee. Places like stasher have properties scattered all over the place, and that will absolutely help you if ever you feel you need a rest!


Build Up A Little Strength! 

We’ll end on this small point. It’s something that will be able to help you with these particular issues, but it’s also something that can serve you well going forward, too. If you make yourself a little stronger than you are now, then you’re going to handle this kind of physical challenge a little easier. You’ll be mentally prepared for it a little better, too!


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