Cara Delevingne Is The New Face Of Chanel


Cara Delevingne is one busy bee. She is busy with her very own Mulberry collection, fronting various campaigns and walking on runaways for different brands all over the world. Now, Cara Delevingne is now the new face of Chanel. This is Cara’s first campaign for the Chanel colelction. Well done Cara.


Tip of the week: Whenever you feel lazy or you need a little push, just think of Cara and remember she has the same 24 hours you have. Make the most of it.

Love CLU Or Lust Victoria Beckham

Our love item for this week is this navy satin bomber jacket by CLU. You can grab one at Harvey Nichols for £355.


While our lust item for this week is this navy wool blend bomber jacket by Victoria Beckham. You can grab this also at Harvey Nichols for £630.

Victoria Beckham

If money was not an issue, which will you go for? The CLU for £355 or the Victoria Beckham for £630?


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