Amy Schumer Covers Glamour Magazine UK May 2017

Amy Schumer – American stand-up comedian, writer, actress, and producer, is the cover girl for Glamour Magazine May 2017, and in this issue, she talks about her fame, love life, her happiness and a lot more.



This issue looks very interesting, I am loving the features on the cover. For the price of £1, it looks really worth it.

I know little or nothing about Amy Schumer, and I am curious to know more about her, so I can clearly see myself reading this issue. I find her very funny, and I believe she speaks the truth.

Here are some of Amy’s famous quotes.


On Body Image in Hollywood

“At my first audition when I was 21, they were like, ‘You should either lose weight or gain a bunch of weight, like be the fat friend or the romantic lead.’ Can you believe they said this?” she said. “But I feel like more than other people saying it, it’s a self-inflicted thing. We put pressure on ourselves and hold ourselves to this unrealistic standard.'”

I can believe they said that. Hollywood must be the craziest place in the world!


On the Kardashians

“We have to be a role model for these little girls. Because who do they have? All they have literally is the Kardashians.
“A whole family who take the faces they were born with as a light suggestion? No!
We used to have Khloe and Khloe was ours. Whenever there is a group of women you identify with one of them right? Like with Sex and The City, you were like I’m such a Samantha.’
“Khloe has lost half her body weight. Khloe has lost a Kendall. We have nothing. I want good role models!”



I am looking forward to grabbing a copy of this issue. I am 100% sure it would be a good read. Amy Schumer speaks the truth every time.

What do you think? Are you a fan of Amy Schumer?







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