The Importance of a Good Office Chair

The importance of a good office chair cannot be over emphasised. I remember how badly my lower back suffered while I was pregnant at my previous job. I had over 3 pillows but they hardly helped. I was sitting for long hours with very little breaks here and there, so I needed a very comfortable office chair. I had little or no support from the chairs at work even before I fell pregnant, so you can imagine the torture I went through heavily pregnant with twins.

I had my chairs changed many times but there was hardly any difference, I was just not comfortable sitting on any of them. They were either too wobbly, too stiff or just not comfortable, regardless of the sitting position I was in.


So I have made it a mission to shop around for a very comfortable chair for our home office once it is ready and good to go. A comfortable office chair is the best office furniture because we tend to sit for long periods of time, so we need an office chair with adequate support. Sitting on the office chair is where most of the office magic happens, we all spend a good amount of time on it so this is one office furniture we should pay special attention to.

Here are 2 main benefits of good office chairs

  1. It will ensure we don’t suffer from back aches and pains. It will provide proper lumbar and pelvic support which results in our back muscles being less stressed.

2. It will keep us comfortable; which helps because it means we can get more work done.

Sitting on an uncomfortable chair is one of the worst things you could do to me. I don’t sit still, so I need a versatile chair that cn recline, move and keep up with my many sitting positions. That is one key feature I look out for in office chairs. And I think I will find the design I want at Furniture At Work. It is a UK office furniture specialist with very affordable prices, so it is definitely worth checking out for deals.

What do you look out for in an office chair? How would you describe a good office chair?

*This is a collaborative post.

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