How to start a blog in 5 steps

Blogging is very popular now and I am sure it will continue to be popular. I can see blogging becoming even. bigger in the next few years. It is a fun way to grow a portfolio and make money too! I know many bloggers who blog full time and make a full time living wage from it. It is amazing to see these bloggers doing what was not possible many years ago. Working from anywhere you want as a blogger and earning an income is no longer a myth, but the reality for many. If you are thinking of starting a blog but not sure how to get started, this blog on how to start a blog in 5 steps will be useful for you. You should also get in touch with me if you are looking to grow your blog. I have a blog coaching service offer at the moment, so get in touch to hear more.


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First step – Pick a blog name and buy the domain

The first step is to pick a blog name and buy the domain. The name you pick should give readers an idea of what the blog would be about if possible. Picking a blog name relevant to your niche(s) also helps your blog’s search engine rank too so very important. Another important bit is to get your own domain immediately. Don’t settle for a piggyback domain that ends in .wordpress or blogspot. Get your own domain straightaway so you start off the right way from the get go.


Second Step – Get hosting sorted

The next step once you decide on a name and domain format is to get it hosted. I am self hosted on WordPress and I love it. I have had no issues with my hosting. In the early days, I started off with a vanity domain, but decided to go self hosted on WordPress. I recommend this if you can afford to. Being self hosted allows me more freedom on my blog. I can have private banner ads and install plugins. Being self hosted gives me more freedom to run my blog the way I want.


Third Step – Pick a theme

Once your blog is up and running, the next thing to do is to pick a theme. There are so many free themes available so there are loads of options. I like  clean themes. The very busy blog themes put me off but it depends on the look you are after for your blog. I currently use a premium theme – Elemin. I bought it some years ago and it works great for my blog. My advice is to shop around to see the options you have. My general advice is to go for a white background and a theme that allows you show off your social media platforms at the side.


Fourth Step – Publish your blog post

I see new bloggers saying they didn’t setup their blog until they had many blog posts waiting to be published. My approach was different but then again I didn’t start the blog thinking of how much money I would make from day 1. I had only one blog post of the first day and it increased on a daily basis. Having many blog posts ready before you step up your blog is good. Just make sure you don’t procrastinate and never start blogging.


Fifth Step – Promote your blog post

Now that your blog is stet up and you have blog posts published, you need to shout from the rooftops about it. Share your blog posts on social media platforms. Pinterest is really good for bringing traffic to your blog, so make sure you make the most of the amazing social media platform. Facebook is another great social media platform for bringing traffic to your blog, so set up a Facebook page too!


Are you thinking of starting a blog? What is holding you back?


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