Learn the Basics of Accessorizing

*Collaborative post.

Oftentimes, the secret to putting together the perfect outfit is in the small details. These details usually refer to the fashion accessories you add to your ensembles to create high-end looks you can wear anywhere.

The truth is the right accessories can tie a whole outfit together and bring life, vibrancy, and a touch of edginess to it without much effort and thought. They are the best way to make a fashion statement and play with different trends without actually breaking the bank.

Besides this, accessories are very versatile and you can find them in many shapes, colors, sizes, and forms, all of which can suit anyone’s style and preferences.

However, in order to pull together the best look, you should first learn how to accessorize properly so you can flawlessly spruce up your ensemble and not overwhelm your outfit. Here is a list of five basic rules you should remember about accessorizing. 

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Photo by Marissa Grootes from Unsplash

Consider what you are wearing

When accessorizing your looks, the first thing you need to consider is what you are wearing. Although any casual or formal outfit can be spruced up with various types of accessories, it is important to know which ones go best with certain attires.

For instance, if your outfit consists of an office suit, then a beautiful pair of Akoya pearl earrings, and a neutral color handbag are great options to accessorize your ensemble.

If you are wearing leggings and a hoodie, then a cap and a bumbag can be the ideal items to complete your outfit. 

Choose a signature accessory

Since there are many types of accessories you can choose from to finish off your looks, it is best that you choose one signature piece that will dominate. This can be a bold crossbody bag, a choker necklace, or a multicolored bandana which will match the rest of your outfit while standing out from the other accessories.

For instance, if you are going to the beach, opt for a pair of candy-colored sunglasses to contrast the neutral color palette of your bikini. Complete your look with other more subtle and minimalist accessories such as a straw bucket hat and a jute bag in beige tones.

Think about colors and patterns

Another great thing about accessories is that they are a great way to add a pop of color to a simple outfit. Whether you are wearing a monochromatic pantsuit to work, denim jeans and a plain color white tee, or a little black dress on a night out with your friends, you can rely on your accessories to elevate your appearance with its bold shades and funky patterns. 

For instance, tassel earrings are an excellent option to bring life to neutral-colored looks. Their versatility in color, shape, size, and form gives you the ideal opportunity to take your outfit from simple to chic in an instant second. The most popular choices are the single multicolored tassel earrings and the hoop ones featuring funky beads. 

Try mixing and matching accessories

A common misconception fashionistas often have about accessories is that they have to match one another. However, the rules in the fashion game have changed and now mixing different pieces together has actually become the norm. So, don’t be afraid to mix different colors, patterns, and styles if you are looking to add a fun element to your looks.

For instance, you can mix different metals together to create a more contrasted look. Whether it is bracelets, necklaces, earrings, or rings, choose two of your favorite metals and combine them together to add a touch of edginess.

Create balance

Creating balance is another important rule you need to remember when accessorizing your look. If your signature accessory is chandelier earrings, it doesn’t mean you should also add multicolored studs or oversized necklaces to spruce up your entire look. Doing so will only overwhelm your outfit and overshadow your statement earrings.

Instead, go for more subtle accessories to complete your look such as a minimalist wristwatch or a simple ring to hit the right balance. 

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Photo by Alexi Romano from Unsplash

Final thoughts

As you know by now, no outfit can be complete without a stunning piece of accessory. Whether it is a classic pearl necklace, a bold handbag, or a patterned scarf, there is a wide range of accessories you can choose from to bring life and vibrancy to your ensembles. In order to pull off the perfect look, be sure to follow the tips from our post and learn the basics of accessorizing an outfit. 



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