What’s the Difference Between Brown and White Rock Salt?

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Winter brings with it the beauty of snow-covered landscapes, but also the hazard of icy paths and roads. To combat this, rock salt is a popular and effective solution. There are two primary types of rock salt: brown and white, each with its unique benefits. Mainland Aggregates offers both brown and white rock salt, ensuring you can find the perfect solution for your winter needs.

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Brown Gritting/Rock Salt

Brown rock salt is characterised by its distinctive colour. This comes from the natural minerals and impurities found in the salt, which also contribute to its effectiveness in melting ice and providing traction. When distributed, the brown colour of the salt is clearly visible, indicating that the area has been treated and is safer to traverse. This feature is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas or places where it’s critical to show that safety measures have been taken.

Mainland Aggregates supplies this brown rock salt, mined in the UK, ensuring that you’re getting a product that’s been sourced responsibly and effectively. It’s ideal for use in large areas like car parks, roadways, and pathways where safety is paramount, and where visibility comes in handy.

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White Gritting/Rock Salt

In contrast, white rock salt is harvested from sea water through an evaporation process, primarily around the Mediterranean region. This method produces a salt that’s almost entirely sodium chloride, resulting in a clean, white appearance. One of the biggest advantages of white rock salt is that it leaves little to no residue, making it a preferred choice for areas where cleanliness and aesthetics are important.

Mainland Aggregates offers this white rock salt as a hygienic, efficient option for de-icing. It’s particularly suited for use around public buildings, schools, and hospitals, as well as residential properties where maintaining the appearance of the area is important. Despite its cleaner application, it’s just as effective in melting ice and ensuring safety on slippery surfaces. If you’re wondering how to use rock salt this winter, take a look at this simple guide on hubbyhelps.com.

Both brown and white rock salt have their unique advantages and uses. Mainland Aggregates provides both options, catering to a wide spectrum of needs and preferences. Whether your priority is visibility and traction or cleanliness and aesthetics, understanding the properties of each type of salt will guide you in making the best choice for your winter safety needs. With the cold setting in, consider stocking up on rock salt, white or brown, from Mainland Aggregates and stay safe this winter.

How To Stay Healthy While Navigating Your Modeling Career

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How To Stay Healthy While Navigating Your Modeling Career picture

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If you love beauty and fashion, you may already have or are considering pursuing a career in this industry. One such option is modelling- and why not? As a model, you can be one of the first to debut a new makeup product, accessories, clothes, shoes, hair products, and so on. Likewise, some modelling jobs require you to travel to new places, which can be exciting. With hard work and perseverance, you can land gigs that could boost your financial stability. However, modelling goes beyond the runways, magazines, and photoshoots. It can be stressful sometimes, which can jeopardise your health. The key is to prioritise your well-being while navigating your career. Here are some helpful ways you can consider. 

  • You need sleep to rejuvenate yourself 

Granted, the cosmetic industry has released several beauty products that could give you a flawless look. And while they can cover up a tired face, they can’t give you the energy you need to take on the day. This is why you should not underestimate the importance of good sleep. You should note that having an adequate night’s rest can help you maintain a healthy weight. This is because your body reduces the production of ghrelin, an appetite stimulant. While at it, it increases leptin production, suppressing the need to overeat. Moreover, your brain can relax, allowing you to be in a good mood. This is especially beneficial when you have to be on your feet for a long period. Perhaps you want the best sleep but struggle to do so. If this is the case, consider creating an enduring set of bedtime rituals to help your body adjust to sleep. Skincare routine, regular evening baths, journaling, and so on can work well. Your room’s ambience can also promote sleep, so invest in comfortable bedding, dim your lights, and keep your smart devices away from your room. 

  • Your nutrition is also essential 

Your meals are a non-negotiable part of your health, making it important to prioritise whatever you eat. The goal is to consume a balanced diet of healthy carbs, lean proteins, lots of green veggies, and healthy fats. Combining these meals can give you the energy to power through the day. Likewise, eating well can reduce your desire to eat unhealthy meals, as these can affect your skin by causing premature ageing, inflammation, and acne breakouts. You should also note that knowing how to eat is equally important. Eating three balanced meals daily is what doctors recommend, so keep this in mind. You can also include healthy supplements in addition to your meals; however, ensure you choose the right brands. For instance, products like vegan b12 supplement tablets can increase your vitamin b12 intake while boosting energy. Plus, they are excellent for vegans. 

  • Make time for your social circle 

Like every career, modelling can be tough and sometimes overwhelm you. If this continues for a prolonged period, you may find yourself dealing with mental health issues. Thankfully, your social circle can support you through these times. Hanging out with your friends and sharing your thoughts can provide an outlet for your emotions, improving your mood. Moreover, their encouragement can boost your confidence, which can reflect in your work.

3 Steps to Living a More Purposeful Life

It is super easy to get carried away with the hustle and bustle of life and find yourself simply just drifting, simply existing. Living a purposeful life can be very tricky if not hard in this noisy world. Thanks to social media and many other distractions, it can be really easy to find yourself not focusing on the important things in life. If you are wondering how you could start to take the necessary towards living a more purposeful life, here are some tips you might find useful.

3 Steps to Living a More Purposeful Life

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Picture source –  here

  • Align your life with your values

The first step in living a more purposeful life is to align your life with your values. That way you will find yourself naturally focusing more on the important things. It is easy to follow this step once you have your values and beliefs set because you will naturally flow with what you believe in and repel what you don’t, which would eventually lead to more purpose in your life.

  • Stay true to yourself

It can so easy to find yourself living for the wrong people and things. Staying true to yourself will help you out of toxic fog filled with codependency and people pleasing  patterns, and instead keep you on the right path to self actualisation. When you are true to yourself and your beliefs, there’s no room for anything, and that keeps you living a more purposeful life.

  • Focus on what matters

Like the image says, purpose fuels passion, and focusing on what matters helps you live a life of purpose with clear goals. It is super easy to get distracted in this noisy world thanks to endless interactions online with others. However, focusing more on the important things helps you stay on top of your goals and aspirations, and keeps you ticking things off your to-do list, which is an amazing feeling.

Once you awaken and you get a grip on life, living a purposeful life is relatively easy. You just need to remember balance is key and to stay focused on the things that really matter. Everything else would fall in place in the end naturally. Then, you will start experience a full life filled with passion and purpose.

How do you ensure you live a life of purpose? Please share your tried and tested tips, let’s chat!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe.






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