How to stay warm while fishing in winter

*Collaborative post.

The chill is still in the air here in Cheshire. We even had some snow all through last week, which was so much fun for the twins. It is still very much layering season, and I am enjoying the fact that i can wear my snuggly clothes and still look super stylish. I like to spend as much time as I can outdoors, and I do not allow the weather dictate my movements as much as possible. So regardless of how cold it may be, I still make sure I go for my daily walks. If you enjoy spending time outside as much as I can, you will need to learn stay warm especially if you are doing outdoor activities like fishing.

We live in a tiny village and there are loads of fishing spots which keep the locals very busy. If you are into fishing and you are wondering how to stay warm while you fish, you have stumbled on the right blog post.

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How to stay warm while fishing in winter

Aside from shopping the fishing supplies store for all the items you need, you also need some tips to help you stay comfy and warm while you fish in the chilly months. Here are four quick things to remember for your next fishing trip –

Stay dry to stay warm

The last thing you would want is to get wet while fishing outdoors in the winter. It is sensible to ensure you stay as dry as possible while you fish. Having a little towel in your pocket ready to wipe hands dry is a great idea. Having on waterproof outerwear and footwear is also a great warm to stay dry and warm.

Hats, gloves, scarves and warm socks

These fashion essentials are needed if you are going to be outdoors fishing for any period of time in the winter. Keep your head, neck and hands covered. Ensure you have on warm socks for more protection, and if you are the type that likes to keep the ears covered, some ear muffs may provide you more comfort and warmth.

Layer up

Ensure you have as many layers as you need on to regulate your body temperature. You can opt for fleece or microfleece upper and lower garments to keep you very warm and cosy. The very thick pairs will serve you well on chilly days. The whole idea is to be able to add or remove layers as your fishing day progresses. So get the layers on.

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Stay hydrated

Ensure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Try to avoid hot beverages and alcoholic drinks as much as possible as they may cause you to need the bathroom a lot more frequently.

These ideas may sound like common sense but sometimes we need to remember the little things. It is very easy to get carried away with the whole idea of planning a fun fishing day and forget some very important things to help make the day safe and fun.



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