5 Top Laser Hair Removal Clinics In The City Of London

There are thousands of laser hair removal clinics in the city of London, it could get be difficult deciding on where to undergo your laser hair removal treatment with so many options available. So, I am here to make your life a lot easier. I have researched laser hair removal clinics in the city of London, and I have all the details for the top 5 clinics below. Happy reading.




Pulse Light Clinic

Pulse Light Clinic on 150-152 Fenchurch Street, London, specializes in laser hair removal for both men and women, and for all skin types. With over 15 years in the laser treatment industry, you are definitely in safe hands with the Pulse Light Clinic team. It is one of the best hair removal clinics in London; they use 4 of the best laser machines in the world, so you are sure to find the best laser machine for your skin type, as you get a free patch test on all 4 laser machines to determine the right one for you.

5 Reasons why this clinic is in the top 5?

  1. It offers same day consultations and discounts.
  2. It offers finance options available to spread the payment of the treatment.
  3. It opens till 8pm, great for workers and busy people.
  4. It offers 2 registered nurses on site.
  5. It has a lot of happy customers. Just check the reviews on Google Plus.


The Hair Removal Clinic

The Hair Removal Clinic in London offers hair removal treatment for all parts of the body, using two methods. The Electolysis hair removal treatment and Intense Pulse Light, also known as I P L. The Electolysis hair removal treatment is done under local anaesthetic, this treatment involves passing an electric current into the hair shaft, which gets rid of the hair. While the I P L utilises short bursts of very bright light, which produces heat in the hair follicle stunting future growth.

5 Reasons why this clinic is in the top 5?

  1. It offers the option of getting the treatment while under a local anaesthetic.
  2. It offers 2 ways to get the hair removed.
  3. It offers discounts for the treatment when booked in bulk, but you pay a mandatory consultation of £30
  4. It offers treatment for all skin types and colours.
  5. The treatment can be done on any area of the body.




City Hair Removal London

City Hair Removal London is another top laser hair removal Clinic with over 15 years experience, and about 50 treatments a day. This clinic has invested heavily in about 6 laser hair removal machines, including – 2 Alexandrite lasers, 2 Nd:Yag lasers, a DUETTO MT laser and a Soprano XL laser, so you will are definitely in safe hands with this team, and are sure to get the best results possible.

5 Reasons why this clinic is in the top 5?

  1. This clinic treats both men and women.
  2. There is treatment available for all skin types and colours.
  3. There offer a variety of the best laser machines available, so you are sure to get the safest and the most effective machine for your skin.
  4. The testimonials on the site speak for themselves.
  5. With over 15 years experience, these guys know their onions.


Sk:n Clinics

Sk:n Clinics is another leader in the laser hair removal treatment industry. It offers safe and effective laser hair removal treatments on all skin tones and types.

Here is why Sk:n Clinics is on the list:

  1. It uses highly powerful, specialised laser machines on all treatments.
  2. The machines used are safe and effective on all areas of the body.
  3. 95% of the clients are very happy with Sk:n Clinics.
  4. Sk:n Clinics is available in London and in other parts of the UK.
  5. There are finance options available to help spread the costs of the treatment.


Northwood Clinic

Northwood Clinic is another top clinic in London which offers a variety of treatments including laser hair removal. It offers IPL as well as laser hair treatment to both men and women.

Here are the reasons this clinic made the list:

  1. It offers a free consultation but you pay for a patch test, which is £20.
  2. It offers two types of hair removal treatment.
  3. It is a team of very experienced medical practitioners.
  4. It opens till 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  5. Happy customers online as well.

So there you have it, the 5 Top Laser Hair Removal Clinics In The City Of London. Have you been to any of these clinics? What are your thoughts? Sound off in the comment section. Also, if you are after 100% Virgin Hair, you can become more confident and prettier with Lilyhair wigs.

Thanks for reading.


*This is a collaborative post.





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