Tips for Setting Up a Home Office

*Collaborative post.

With millions of people now working from home, it has become very important to have a good home office set up to help you work from home successfully. Working from the dining table, bed or sofa may not be ideal long term. Having a home office would allow you work, study or do both like I do, comfortably from home. I have worked from home for almost 9 years now, so I have a lot of experience when it comes to staying comfortable as you work from home. It is quite easy once you have settled in and worked from home for some time.

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Tips for Setting Up a Home Office

Here are some tips to help you set up your home office –

Choose the right workspace

It is important to choose the right workspace at home for your needs. I can work in any room in my house but I usually find myself working repeatedly in a few spots. I like being able to work where I feel like and that works for me perfectly. It all depends on your home, family, your preferences and the kind of work you do. The most important thing is to pick the right workspace that works for you. If you need to create space for your home office, you can make use of self storage centres to store away items you have no need for and make room for the new normal. If you are looking for affordable self storage, you should check out Now Storage self storage for personal and business self storage.

Invest in the right gadgets

I always ensure I have all the right gadgets for work ready on a daily basis. My MAC laptop still works great for me and I recently invested in a MAC keyboard and a Canon printer for uni work. Also, I plan to grab the MAC mouse as well. Working from home is easy once you have the right gadgets in place.

Get storage boxes

It is important to get storage boxes ready for your home office, especially if you are doing a lot of printing or you need extra space for paperwork. Having storage boxes allows you to keep valuable documents in one place neatly. The last thing you would want is to have work documents scattered everywhere.

Add some green plants

Green plants add some colour to your space and it also purifies the air. Also, research has shown that plants can increase productivity by 15%. I have my Snake Plant on my table where I work and I plan to add more plants to our house. Bringing in a bit of nature into the house is a great way to create an amazing home office, plus it helps you stay productive.

What do you think of these home office tips? Do you work from home? How are you finding it all? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, let’s chat. Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely day.





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