How to stay active when working from home

*Collaborative post.

I have been running my own business from home for many years, long before it became trendy. Working remotely works amazingly well for me. It allows me to juggle all sorts at the same time, like taking care of my babies, going back to university to study Psychology, and now recently, I got a full-time job working from home. I won’t have it any other way as working remotely allows me do all that needs to be done and more. However, it can be very easy to be inactive when you work from home. If you are not careful, you can find yourself sitting down for hours without taking breaks or moving around, and this can way can cause havoc if it carries on for too long.

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How to stay active when working from home

If you are wondering how to stay active when working from home, here are a few ideas that may work for you.

Keep active while you sit with a desk exercise equipment

It is important to keep active all through the day but I know how hard it can be when you have numerous tasks to complete on your desktop. One way to ensure you stay active is to move even when you are sitting. I know this may sound tricky to do but thankfully there are all sorts of compact desk exercise equipment that would help those who need to stay active while sitting.

All you have to do is to shop around for the right desk exercise equipment to fit your fitness goals as well as your living space. A quick online search would bring up many options.

Exercise from the comfort of your home

If you are too busy to hit the gym or you rather workout from home like me, make the time as many times as you can in a week to exercise from home. I try to exercise in the mornings before I start my day and it helps me get through the day feeling fab. Jumping jacks, dumbbell lifts, push ups, squats, are some amazing suggestions for indoor workout.

Go for walks in nature

I take breaks regularly while working as much as I can. I like to spend time in nature so I make sure I go for my daily walks outside of the school run. It helps me break the day nicely and clears my head. The more windy, the better, but I like sunny spells too!

Going for regular walks helps massively especially when you work from home as you don’t commute and you may find yourself not stepping out if you have no other responsibilities.

Walk around your house

I know this sounds like common sense but it surprises how easy it can be to work for hours at my desk if I don’t make it a goal to stand up. Walking around your home is as easy as getting every hour (or half hourly if possible) to get a drink or just to stretch the legs.

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Hopefully these tips on how to stay active as you work from home have given you food for thought. Staying active, like most things in life, is down to intention. Once you make up your mind to stay active and you channel your energy into doing just that, you will find yourself becoming more and more active as the days go by.





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