Skincare Routines Part 2

This is the part 2 of the skincare routines beauty post. If you missed the part 1, here is a link to it –

There are some other products you may find useful for your skin. The products are:

1. Exfoliators:

Exfoliators are also known as Facial Scrubs. These products are designed to remove dead skin cells, dirt, oil and impurities. You can use them as often as you like depending on your skin type, age and how much time you have to get dressed in the morning.


I currently use the Clean and Clear Morning Burst facial scrub. I have been using this product for over seven years now. I use it once a week but I remember having to use it every day when I had a funny skin problem some years. It worked like magic and left my skin feeling soft and clear after using it for some weeks. It is a wonderful exfoliator and you can get it almost everywhere for just £3.99. It can be used morning or evening.

2. Face Masks:

Facial masks also remove dead skin cells and take away impurities from the skin. I have never used a face mask before so I cannot recommend any product but the Simple Kind To Skin Deep Cleansing Face Mask has fantastic reviews so you might want to give it a go. It costs £3.99 and you can get it in Boots, Superdrug, Amazon on other stores.


Here are two skin tips for you to take away –

1. Never change your entire skincare routine all at once. Always introduce products one at a time to establish the best for your skin and to avoid having a skin reaction.

2. Remember to always treat your neck and ears as well as your face. I am so guilty of this as I never remember my ears.

That is all for now folks. Look out for the next beauty post next week. I will be talking about common skin issues. Have a lovely evening.


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