Product Review: SOS Organic Anti-Hair Loss Oil Treatment


I recently received a sample of the SOS Organic Anti-Hair Loss Oil Treatment from the good people of Old Wives Tail and I must say, I wasn’t expecting the treatment oil to be any good but I was in for a pleasant surprise. I suffer from a dry and a very itchy scalp, those of you who know me well enough, know that I go about with a tail comb to scratch my hair whenever I have hair extensions on, I even sleep with one under my pillow for easy access. Yes, it is that bad.

I have had a very itchy scalp for as long as I can remember. My hair itches me even when I have only just washed it. I think it has to do with my scalp being so dry. My hair also breaks out a lot and it became worse after my pregnancy. I have tried so many hair products to stop the itch and bring it back to life but all my efforts have been in a vain until I tried this anti-hair loss oil treatment.

The SOS Organic Anti-Hair Loss Oil Treatment is a life saver. For starters, I love the smell. It has a very strong minty smell which I love. Once applied, it has warm tingling effect on the scalp which is very soothing. I apply the oil treatment and wash it after an hour and I have been using it religiously ever since I first tried it.

I recommend this product to anyone battling with dry/itchy scalp. A trial will convince you. Have a look at the site –

Thanks for reading.

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