Tips for a Healthy Summer

This is definitely the hottest summer I have ever experienced in the UK. It has been a very warm summer. And it doesn’t feel like it is going to be cooling down anytime soon. Is it warm where you are? On some days I like the warmth (when it is not dead hot) and on some days I don’t. I can’t seem to make up my mind on whether this summer is fun or not, thanks to the unbearable heat. To ensure you enjoy the most of what summer has to offer, here are 5 tips for a healthy summer –


Drink plenty of fluids and infuse your water

I have drinking plenty of ice-cold fluids because I won’t be able to go on without doing so. Drinking plenty of fluids is a smart way to stay hydrated. I am always with a water bottle. I can easily get carried away with work and all, and go hours without having a drink. But having water with me at all times reminds me to drink.

Another smart to get yourself to drink more water is to infuse the water with flavour. You can infuse with limes, lemons, oranges, berries, or cucumbers, to make a refreshing taste. It is a great way to drink more water if you are not a fan of drinking water. If I had my way, I would drink soft drinks all day, but thanks to infusing my water, I get to drink more water.




Duralex Picardie Clear Water Tumbler Summer Healthy Image


I recently got these Duralex Oicardie Clear 6 Tumbler Set some weeks ago. And I know it sounds cheesy but I love drinking in them. They are so pretty. This set of six Duralex Picardie Tumblers is great for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can grab at a set at John Lewis, Selfridges, Ocado, Habitat and other stores for £8.


Apply Sunscreen and wear weather appropriate clothing

The last thing you would need this summer is a sun burn. So ensure you apply your sunscreen regularly. Staying out of the sun when it is dead warm is best. I still see a lot of people having picnics and tanning in this weather and I really don’t get it. Having a picnic when it is dead warm makes no sense. I rather eat indoors thank you.

Wearing weather appropriate clothing also ensures comfort at all times. I recently stocked my wardrobe with hats, sunglasses, shorts and camisoles, and I am enjoying styling them. Minimal clothing is what this weather needs.


Sunglasses Image


Make the most of the sunshine

It is easy to moan and whine about how terribly warm the weather is at the moment. But whenever I remember the Beast of the East, and how horribly cold and long last winter was, I appreciate how much the sun is shinning. Summer is a beautiful season and I plan to make the most of it with the family.


How are you coping in this weather? Do you have any tips for a healthy summer to share? Please sound off in the comments section below.


Thanks for reading. Have a lovely weekend.


*PR sample.






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