Skincare Changes in Your 30s and How to Deal with Them

I’m sure you must have noticed that your skin is a lot different from it was in your 20s. In your 20s your skin was brighter and definitely more youthful. But as the years go by, the environment and hormonal changes can take a toll on your skin. And that may lead to various skincare changes.

You can combat the changes in your skin with the right skincare routine. Here are some skincare changes you should take note of in your 30s and how to deal with them.


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Your face is not as smooth as it used to be

When you’re in your 30s you’ll notice more wrinkles on your forehead, crow’s feet at the corner of your eyes and smile lines near your mouth. The reason is that as you grow older the rate at which your cells turnover slows down. Your skin doesn’t recover as fast as it used to.


Solution #1: Moisturize with sunscreen daily

The wrinkles and fine lines are all a sign of premature ageing and nothing beats wrinkles and fine lines as moisturizer. Wrinkles and fine lines are aggravated with exposure to the sun.

Apply sunscreen every day especially before you step out of the house. Make sure that you use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or above. For better results, you can incorporate skincare products that contain retinol. Retinol helps to increase the production of collagen and improve cell turnover. This will help with your wrinkles and fine lines.


Your skin is has a dull appearance

Since your cells’ turnover is slower in your 30s it takes a longer time for new cells to show up on the surface. The dead skin cells hide the new skin cells and that makes your skin look dull.


Solution #2: Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliation will help you to get rid of the dead skin cells and reveal the new skin cells. Once the dead skin cells are out of the way, your skin will be brighter and your skin will begin to glow.

There are many healthy exfoliating scrubs out there. But you need to remember to be gentle on your skin. Don’t exfoliate your skin every day, instead restrict it to only 2 or 3 times a week. That will reduce the possibility of irritating your skin.


Your skin starts to break out with cystic acne

Remember when you were a teen and you battled with acne and you longed to be an adult so that you’ll never have to deal with acne again? Sadly, acne never goes away. And in your 30s they turn into cystic acne.

As you grow older, your skin gets less resilient to acne and so it takes a longer time for your acne to disappear.


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Solution #3: Make acne treatment part of your daily skincare routine

Your skin gets dryer as you age. This makes your skin prone to inflammation and irritation. To keep your acne in check, you have to fight your acne daily with products that contain anti-inflammatory properties. Whether you use a cream, cleanser or toner, make sure that it has anti-inflammatory properties that will combat any sign of acne.


Are you dealing with any skincare changes?

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