How to take your career to the next level

When you want to be able to push your career to the next level, it’s always important for you to take control of this. Your career won’t always get to the heights that you want it to, without you really being in the driving seat. Success doesn’t happen overnight or by accident. Instead, you have to be in charge and really push to get to where you want to be. Maybe you have a career in fashion that you want to build on, or another related creative field? Well, if you want to be a creative director, a CEO, or even start your own company, then you need to start to take to make that happen. So if you’re ready to really amp things up with your career, here’s what you can do.


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  1. Plan Your Progression

To get yourself started, you need to have some kind of idea of what you want, where you’re going, or how you’re going to climb the ladder. A lot of the time, if you’re trying to get ahead and you have absolutely no idea of where you’re going, you have an issue. So, you need to know a rough idea of what you want to do, and where you want to be. Stick that at the top of the plan, and then work backwards through the steps that you need to take or go through in order to get there – and how long this is going to take.


  1. Increase Your Level

Now, as you’re doing that, you may find that you need to be able to learn a little more. Maybe you want to teach design or writing? Then you may need to look at an online masters in education to be able to do that. Or maybe you want to be a fashion or creative company CEO? Then it could be that doing an MBA is going to give you the skills you need to get to a senior level in your field.


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  1. Build A Side Business

Another great idea here, is to think about building a business for yourself. When you come up with a side business idea that can boost your career, it can often give you the skills and experiences you need to get to where you want to be. Or, if you want to have your own business, then starting it on the side is the best way to get it off the ground and start moving forward with that part of your career.


  1. Get Innovative

Now, whether you’re someone who’s self-employed and already running your own thing, or you’re climbing the career ladder and you want to keep doing that, innovation can help you. For someone that wants a promotion, to make a difference in their job, or to who wants to grow their business to new-level heights, thinking outside of the box when it comes to creativity and ideas matters. If you can come up with that killer campaign, new product idea, or a better way of operating, and it makes money, you’re going to reap the rewards. Whether this is financially n your own business, or in the form of recognition or a promotion in the company that you work for.


How are you planning to take your career to the next level?


*Collaborative post.

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