Caring For Your Beauty Products


Many of us have a heavy makeup bag with beauty products we have had for donkey years. I am here to inform you of your beauty products’ shelf lives. Yes, they do not last forever and you should use them within a certain timeframe or bin them. Having a clean and organised makeup bag is good for the face. Follow these steps:

1. Throw out anything that is two years old or more even if it is your favourite lipstick. It can’t really be your favourite if it’s more than two years in your makeup bag.

2. Bin anything that has an unusual or musty odour.

3. Mascaras and liquid eye liners must be used within 3 months from the time they are first opened.

4. Lipsticks must be used within 1 year from the time they are first opened.

5. Foundations and concealers must be used within 1 year from the time they are first opened.

6. Pencils must be used within 18 months from the time they are first opened.

7. Cream eye shadows must be used within 18 months from the time they are first opened.

8. Powders, eye shadows, blush and bronzers must be used within 2 years from the time they are first opened.

9. Makeup brushes should be washed at least once a month using a brush cleanser or mild shampoo.


Also, remember to keep your beauty tools in a separate container to your make-up. This will prevent them from picking up loose powders or dust, and never share your tools, brushes or cosmetics with others. Enjoy.

Pictures Source: glamourmagazine


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