How to make your birthday in lockdown feel as special as possible

*Collaborative post.

It’s become a depressingly familiar force of habit in recent years – scrolling through your social media feed in the morning and passively taking note of whose birthday it is, sending a generic Happy Birthday message and getting on with your day.

In a pre-lockdown world, this was fine, as we all had other things to look forward to on our birthdays. However, with so many of us now sequestered in our homes when we would rather be out celebrating with our friends and family members on our ‘big days’, that virtual birthday message needs a serious rethink.


How to make your birthday in lockdown feel as special as possible picture

Anyone who is celebrating a quarantine birthday between now and the end of the year is probably in the same boat though. So, rather than relying on your Facebook friends to do something special (because let’s face it, they probably won’t – they have their own stuff to deal with right now), take your lockdown birthday into your own hands this year by considering the following:-

Make a cake 

Not only are we all trying to avoid supermarkets as much as possible right now, there’s something undeniably more special about making your own birthday cake from scratch. It’s not a particularly difficult bake either, as long as you’re willing to keep it simple. Where you definitely shouldn’t keep it simple, however, is in the decoration!

Glam up the house 

We’ve all become so used to seeing the same four walls, so wouldn’t it be nice to give them a little bit of a temporary makeover on our birthday? The obvious first step is to splash out on some birthday balloons to spread around the home, but why stop there? Going really over the top can make it feel more special, after all. Although balloons have their charm and nostalgia, there are other alternatives that can add a more modern and eye-catching flair to an event space. Inflatables, in particular, are a great way to switch up decorations while still keeping the lightheartedness associated with parties. Inflatables come in all shapes and sizes, so they’re perfect for adding an extra touch of festivity and fun to any occasion. And as these options are customizable, you can even make your own inflatables with specific designs by creating drafts of inflatables that will later become a reality. So instead of stringing up traditional balloon decorations when you plan an event or celebration; consider some creative alternatives for an interesting new way to set the tone for your festivities.  

Glam up yourself 

You’ve probably spent every other day in your pyjamas but your birthday is one day where you can afford to spend a little time pampering yourself, regardless of whether or not anyone will actually see the fruits of your labours. So go glam and get your friends to do likewise before logging onto that group chat.

Brunch with friends 

The bottomless brunch has become a bit of a birthday cliche in recent years so spoiling yourself with bottomless food and booze on  Zoom might actually make it seem a little bit more special? Virtual birthday parties might become the rule rather than the exception going forward, so start now before it becomes another boring chore. You could even go a step further and create some interesting drinking games.

Make it into a joke 

Finally, with everything so deathly serious right now on a global scale, try not to take your birthday too seriously. It’s a ridiculous situation and there’s no better way to survive a ridiculous situation than by laughing through it.

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