Adding Personality To Your Office Attire

*Collaborative post.

There seems to be this misconception that being professional means wearing a black skirt or pair of trousers with a crisp white shirt. While there is no denying that this looks sleek and stylish, and is suitable for the workplace, it is not the only option you have available to you. If you feel like your current selection of workwear is holding your personality prisoner, read on for some useful tips on looking stylish and showing off your true sense of style in the workplace.

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Add a pop of colour

One of the easiest ways to add some personality to your work wardrobe is to add a pop of colour. There are many different ways you can do this. You can start off with a bold coloured handbag, for example. When you are feeling more confident, opt for a statement skirt or a pair of bold coloured trousers.

Glam up your look with your lipstick selection

It is not all about the clothing you wear. You can transform a ‘boring’ suit with a vibrant shade of lipstick, such as a coral or a pillar-box red. Needless to say, you will need to master the art of applying your lipstick immaculately if you want to pull off this look. Nothing looks good about colour smudged across the corner of your lips.

Wear a pair of statement trousers

In addition to the suggestions that we have mentioned so far, another way to add some personality to your work wardrobe is to wear a pair of statement trousers. We often have a tendency to fall into the habit of only wearing black trousers in the workplace. However, this is your opportunity to add some colour to your outfit. You can go for a bold pair of red or blue trousers, for example. This is a great way to create a bold look while ensuring that you still maintain professionalism in your appearance. It’s a win-win!

Shop based on brand

There are some brands that are known for their vibrancy yet always maintain an air of professionalism, You will never find anything too low cut or inappropriate for the workplace. Shopping based on brand is a good option for those who are unsure regarding what they should and should not wear to work. There is nothing wrong with injecting some vibrancy or prints into your workwear wardrobe; you simply need to make sure you do so in a classy and sophisticated manner, and this is where brand selection comes into play. A piece of clothing from the Fendi brand, for example, is guaranteed to make sure that you look and feel amazing in the workplace.

Finish off your look with a statement handbag

We all know the importance of adding a beautiful bag to our outfits. After all, a bag contains all of your important belongings. They often say that women have everything but the kitchen sink in their handbag. There are so many different styles of handbags on the market today, so you are bound to find something that fits in with your personality and gives you ample space to store all of your belongings.

Incorporate new trends into your work look

One of the best ways to keep your office attire interesting is to incorporate a few of the latest fashion trends into it. Of course, not all fashion trends are going to be suitable for the workplace. Sheer clothing and cropped tops should certainly be left for out of the office. However, there are bound to be some trends that you can include in your work wardrobe to give it a striking and stylish upgrade. Current fashion trends for spring/summer 2021 that can be used in a work wardrobe include Crayola shades, pastel colours, check print, feathers (subtly – nothing OTT!), the XL tote and floral dresses.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways you can use your work wardrobe to let your personality shine through. If you follow the advice that has been presented, you can make sure that you look professional while also giving people a glimpse of your true character too. It is important to remember that just because you need to be professional in the workplace does not mean that you need to dress in a boring manner. There are a lot of different ways that you can spice up your look and show off your true sense of style in the workplace, and using the tips above is a good place to start.



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