Fashion Criminal: Miley Cyrus


Miley Cyrus has been committing the crimes of fashion for years now and her style is so BAD! Since she got rid of her good girl Hannah Montana image, she has been seen dressed in some very hideous outfits. This controversial pop star likes to wear as little clothes as possible, and most of the few pieces she wears do her no good. Miley Cyrus sees nothing wrong with the fact that she goes about hardly dressed.

“For me, nudity has never been something that I’ve ever tripped about. I don’t really see it the way everyone else sees it,” Miley tells VEVO. “I’d rather be naked than cry in front of people, because I don’t like showing weakness and that’s a lot of vulnerabilities.”

I believe her.



I think Miley Cyrus is a super talented pop star. I love some of her songs and I can see why she has a huge fan base. I also get the fact that she is trying to stand out from the pack and shed the ‘Disney Princess Good Girl’ image so bad, but there are more stylish ways to go about this act of rebellion, just look at the likes of Demi Lovato and Christina Aguilera. Miley needs a fashion stylist (I want to believe she doesn’t have one), her style is so messed up at the moment; it needs to be saved.


Miley Cyrus

Miley’s fashion style needs a lot of twerking, her accessories are all over the place, she doesn’t pair the right pieces together, she is just what I call a HOT MESS. This style is not bold, it is wrong on all counts.


I will love to see Miley Cyrus DECENTLY AND STYLISHLY dressed for a change. That will be nice. I want her style to remain edgy and full of personality but stylish and decent at the same time. That is not too much to ask now right?

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