Homeschooling Tips: Learn a new language

Our homeschooling has been going really well. Some days are better than others but overall we are all enjoying learning new things from home. The kiddies (especially my daughter) are really into languages and they learn love learning new words. Japanese, Spanish, German and French words are really popular in our house. They are forever picking up new words which I find amazing. Learning different languages is a life skill that can take you places. The more languages you are fluent in, the better. So this is something I am very interested in and will be encouraging even more.

Homeschooling Tips

How is your homeschooling going? One tip for a successful homeschooling is to ensure you have a flexible routine. That way the kids know what to expect and there’s flexibility for when life happens. Another great homeschooling tip is make sure you stick to the regular school day routine as much as possible. That way there are no massive adjustments when school starts. Sticking to the school day routine also ensures the kids acts like they are in school. These tips make homeschooling a lot easier especially if you have active children like mine.

LOL Surprise Image

We published our first YouTube video of 2020 yesterday, yay! And the video is all about my daughter reciting 1 – 10 in Japanese and Spanish. The video is below for your viewing pleasure. We enjoyed filming this and more will follow shortly. I think I have finally gotten back into publishing YouTube Videos again. For a funny reason, I am usually only in the mood to post regular videos during the spring/summer months. I really don’t know why that is the case but I will be changing that going forever, so do subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you haven’t done so already, so you don’t miss any new videos. I like posting different kinds of videos so do expect a varied content.


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