Kylie Jenner Covers Glamour UK June 2016 Issue


The youngest member of the Kardashian/Jenner empire, Kylie Jenner, is on the cover of Glamour Magazine UK June 2016 issue. She has the whole Hollywood look going on with the bloated lips, it looks so weird, and so does the hair, makeup, earrings and everything. I find it so hard to understand why such a young girl would want to alter her look so much. It does not look right to me at all but she I would want to believe she loves her new look. I am not against plastic surgery or any kind of beauty enhancement, but I am against it when you are yet to be 21 years old. I think that is the right age to get work done if you want.

Anyways, this cover looks OK. I am not a fan of Kylie Jenner at all, and I am never interested in anything she creates (I was never into the Lip Kits, I didn’t even think of buying them), or anything she has to say. The articles mentioned on the cover do not look interesting either, so I know for a fact that I will not getting a copy of this issue.



However this picture above looks great. I love the pose and her outfit. This right here would have looked better on the cover, do you agree?

It comes as a surprise to me that Kylie Jenner claims to be a feminist in her interview with Glamour, just because she makes her own money, but there is a lot more to being a feminist:


“I do consider myself a feminist,” she says. “I’m a young woman, for one thing, and I don’t depend on a man or anybody else.  I haven’t had a dollar of my mum’s money for five years,” she said in the June issue. “Ever since I started earning my own money, I’ve paid for everything: all my cars, houses, clothes, everything.  I like to know exactly what’s going on and I’m actually quite careful with what I spend.  We all are as a family. I make my own money and start my own businesses, and I feel like I’m an inspiration for a lot of young girls who want to stand on their own.”

What are your thoughts on this?

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