Product Review: Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leaves Body Mist

Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leave Body Mist Review

I am a huge fan of Body Mists. I find them so handy on days when I want to smell good but don’t want to spray my expensive perfumes. I have been using this Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leaves Body Mist for some months now. I got it on sale over Christmas, and I tend to use it on days when I plan to stay indoors or run errands around the house.

This is my first time using a Zara Body Mist. I remember the day I got this Body Mist vividly. It was Boxing Day. I was going through the sales rack looking for some items I could grab, and then my eyes fell on the Body Mists. The price was so good. I can’t remember exactly how much it was but it was less than a fiver.

Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leave Body Mist Picture

Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leave Body Mist Image


Here are my thoughts:


  1. I love the minty fragrance. Brown Sugar Mint Leaves smells amazing.
  2. It is a light spray, perfect for the summer season.
  3. It is very affordable. I got it on sale for less than £5 for a 150ml bottle, and the original price was less than £10.
  4. I love the simple packaging.
  5. It is not long-lasting but it stays on longer than other body sprays/mists I have used. For the price, it is a good buy.


  1. This has been discontinued. Such a shame because I really like it. I would have loved to buy another bottle but I can find it anywhere.

Overall I do recommend this Zara Brown Sugar Mint Leave Body Mist. It is worth the little pennies, and I would buy it again if I find it again.

Are you a fan of Body Mists? Have you tried this Body Mist? What do you think? Sound off in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.


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