Product Review: Rug Doctor Portable Spot Cleaner


When I got an email offering me a chance to review the Rug Doctor’s latest product – Portable Spot Cleaner, I took the offer with both hands. We regularly rent the Rug Doctor Machine to deep clean the carpets every now and again, so this was a golden opportunity. We have a cream carpets all over the house, and with two busy toddlers and a blogger that is forever testing various samples and staining the carpets, we cannot afford not to clean our carpets regularly. So you can imagine how excited I was to try out this new machine.

The Rug Doctor Portable Spot Cleaner was sent along with the following products:

Rug Doctor Portable Machine Spot Cleaner

High Foot Traffic Cleaner

Rug Doctor Oxy Cleaner


Here is what Rug Doctor had to say about the new machine:

RUG DOCTOR – The Next Generation Clean.

x2 Suction* compared to leading portable carpet cleaners
The ONLY Portable Spot Cleaner with a handheld motorised brush for deep down cleaning
No more carrying. Comes with wheels and a new retractable handle that allows you to effortlessly wheel the machine to the stain… and back! Size of machine allows easy storage.

Before the clean


Work In Progress


After the clean


Here are my thoughts:


  1. It does the job. Most of stains and spots on our carpets are gone.
  2. It is very portable; the luggage style handle and carpet friendly wheels means it is quite easy to move around, this is particularly great when cleaning the staircases.
  3. The machine is readily available to buy from Rug Doctor, Tesco, Morrisons, Argos, B&Q, and other stores.
  4. It is cheaper and more convenient than hiring professionals to do the clean. You can grab yours at £154.99.

Before the clean


After the clean



  1. We couldn’t clean the carpets in an upright position, like how you would vacuum, we had to bend down all through the cleaning.

Overall, I will recommend the Rug Doctor Portable Spot Removal Cleaner to anyone whose carpet is needing a bit of TLC, and a good clean. It is perfect for busy families with children and pets. It is a handy machine to have around.

*PR Samples included.

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