Style Icon: Davido

Our Style Icon this month is the one and only Davido aka David Adedeji Adeleke! For those who don’t know this talented young man, he is a Nigerian-American singer, songwriter, and record producer. He is currently one of the most influential artistes in Africa and he is well known all the world as well. I am a huge fan of his music. My favourites at the moment are Dami DuroGobe and Aye. I also loved Assurance. Davido performed that in the new Coming to America 2 movie on Amazon Prime. Have you seen it? I saw the movie last week and I really enjoyed it. I was very surprised but happy to see African artistes featuring in the movie. It is a good comedy and I highly recommend it if you are after a feel good movie to watch.

Davido Coming to America 2 image

Style Icon: Davido

Back to our style icon for the month, Davido sense of style is quite captivating. I love seeing him on the red carpet, on the gram and when he is performing. His personal style is a bit rough around the edges but that is what makes it even more stylish. He is not trying to be anyone but himself and that comes off through his personal style. If I was asked to describe Davido’s personal style in three words, the words will be – casual, stylish and  modern. He loves the big brands and you can easily catch him wearing a top designer brands from head to toe, but not in a tacky way.

Davido is the king of accessories and he styles his pieces and accessories together perfectly! His brand and his style go well together. The outfits you see on our style icon may be too much for a 9 to 5 kind of guy but for a celebrity, it ticks all the boxes.

Style Icon image Fashion and Style Blog UK Image

What do you think of Davido as a Style Icon? Are you a fan?


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