Why your clothes don’t fit right

Many of us wear clothes that don’t fit right. Walking around in ill-fitting clothes does nothing for our body shape and it could put a dampen on our mood if most of our clothes don’t look good on us. I have discovered that a lot of people have no clue what to look out for when picking clothes. They just look at the design and colours, pick a size they think would fit them and run with it. That is how to pick clothes that don’t fit you. If you want to know how to select clothes that fit right then keep reading.



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Don’t squeeze in!

The first step in buying clothes that fit is to get them in the right size. Don’t be tempted to get a size smaller and squeeze in. It won’t look good on you. Remember that jacket/coat sleeves should hit the wrist bone. The sleeves should be slim to show off the shape of the arms but loose enough to allow you wear a top underneath.


Can you bend?

When buying jackets, coats and tops, make sure you can bend your arms easily. Ensure you can bend your knees too when trying on jeans, skirts and dresses.


Check the trousers!

Check that the trouser you have an eye on doesn’t have excess material in the zipper and crotch area. This is very important as some of them tend to have more than the fabric required here.



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Can you tuck in that shirt?

Ensure the shirt you have on can be tucked in neatly. Some shirts are not long enough to tuck in because the designers scrimp on fabric at the bottom of the shirt. Don’t go for shirts like that unless you enjoy tucking in your shirt every 30 minutes.


Go for comfortable clothing.

Avoid clothing that isn’t comfortable to wear. Any garments that feels uncomfortable or painful to wear isn’t worth the hassle. Style and comfort go hand in hand. You can’t be stylish if you are not comfortable.


Are the buttons in the right places?

Before you buy a new piece, check where the buttons are. This is really important as where the buttons are can make or break the entire look. I hate it when buttons have gaps in between them that reveal the cleavage. That can be so embarrassing.

When opened, the top buttons should sit just above the bust.


Are you familiar with any of these clothing issues?


Outfit Post – Cheshire Fashion Blog UK

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Hey Fashion Lovers! Another week, another fashion blog for you. I have been slacking the outfit post category for some weeks now. Life got in the way but things are cooling down now so it is back to business as usual in the fashion and style department. This blog started purely as a fashion blog, and I truly enjoy writing about fashion and style, and showing off my personal style.

I wore this outfit some days ago. The weather in Cheshire has been great in the last few days. We have had sunny days and still a bit of rain, but I can’t complain. It is a lot better now than how it was some weeks ago. Long may the good weather continue.


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This look was super easy to style. I put the look together from scratch within 5 minutes. I didn’t even have to overthink it, which is the beauty of having a capsule wardrobe. Every piece just falls in the right place.

I am wearing an African print blouse I got some years ago. I love wearing this piece especially in the summer months. It is dead comfy to wear all day if needed, and it is super easy to style too!  Everything else I have on is from my existing wardrobe, except my sunglasses, that is a new addition. I got the sunglasses some weeks ago. It is the latest addition to my sunglasses collection and my current favourite. I love the oversized shape and the colour. It ticks all the right boxes for me.


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Black and Blue African Print Top

Blue Molly Jeans – River Island

Black Shoes – Kurt Geiger

Pink Handbag – Ralph Lauren

Black Sunglasses – Alexander McQueen

Blue Headband – Amazon Seller

Gold Earrings – Calvin Klein

Fitbit Charge 2


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How is the weather where you are at? What do you think of this look? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by and reading this fashion blog. Have a great week ahead.


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Why I hate trying on clothes in the changing room

I do 98% of my shopping online. Online shopping is convenient for me and it suits my current lifestyle as I hardly ever go anywhere. I rather pay a delivery charge and try the clothes in the comfort of my home, than head off to a shopping mall. However there are times when I have to go into a store to shop. I prefer buying shoes and jeans in store because I need to make sure they fit. The only time I shop for these online is when I know for a fact that they would suit because I have bought similar pieces/pairs before from the same store. So what happens when I have to go into a mall to shop and use the changing rooms? I just do it and get it over it quickly.

I am sure I am not the only one that hates trying on clothes in the changing room. I have had a few people tell me they rather try on clothes at home and return them if they don’t fit than use the changing rooms. It is strange that many of us feel that way about the changing room. So what is the deal with the changing rooms?


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Why I hate trying on clothes in the changing room

These are the reasons why I rather over trying on clothes in changing rooms –


I feel exposed

There is little privacy in changing rooms. I find the curtains don’t do a good job and I feel exposed when trying on clothes. I also have this weird feeling that someone could mistakenly/deliberately open the curtains.


They are always too small

As a twin mummy, I am usually out and about with the kids. Trying on clothes in small changing rooms with 2 very active toddlers is not ideal. The rooms are usually even too small for just one person, not to mention going in with kids.


Waiting for a free room

I am not the most patient person. My entire patience is used up with the twins so I have little or non left for anything else. Hanging around waiting for a free room to try on clothes feels like a waste of valuable time.



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Changing rooms are useful

Despite my reservations, I know how useful changing rooms can be. They are great for when you need to ensure that stunning dress fits great or that new brand has the jeans you have your eye on in your size. But I still avoid them when I can. I rather just try my finds at home and buy from trusted brands I know.


What are your thoughts on this? Do you avoid the changing rooms like I do?

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