Celebrities Getting Rid Of Tattoos

Celebrities are not immune to making bad judgements when it comes to men and tattoos, in fact they even make more stupid decisions than mere mortals like us. Many celebrities are known to have some form of body art done once they pledge their undying love to their partner, only to go through laser removal treatment, to have it removed once the love turns sour. It happens time and time again, I wonder if they would ever learn.

Here are some celebrities that have gotten rid of the body ink:

Adrienne Bailon

Celebrities getting rid of tattoos

Actress and TV host Adrienne Bailon had Rob Kardashian’s (her ex) name tattooed on her behind. She was excited to get it off years after they broke up –

“I’m excited, anxious, excited more than anything. I think I’ve waited a long time, long enough, to have this officially gone,” she said, adding: “I thinking living the last six years with somebody’s name on your body is a little weird and that’s more painful, like, you know, to have to explain it to my kids.”

The star had attempted to get the tattoo off and went through several treatment but they didn’t get it off. She finally got rid of the tattoo when she chose the Picosure Laser Treatment which did the trick.

Angelina Jolie


The talented Angelina Jolie had her then husband’s name – “Billy Bob”, tattooed on her arm. She got the tattoo off and has since tattooed her birth place on her same arm as you can see above. She was quoted saying:

“I’ll never be stupid enough to have a man’s name tattooed on me again”

Eva Longoria


Eva Longoria had three tattoos in the honour of her ex husband – Tony Parker, she had the word “nine” (Tony’s basketball number) on the back of her neck, the date of their marriage on their wrist and some other tattoo hidden somewhere private on her body. She had them taken off two years after their messy divorce.

Denise Richards


Actress Denise Richards got rid of her “Charlie” tattoo after divorcing Charlie Sheen, and had it covered up with a fairy instead. I love the way she turned a bad situation into a good one. Good for her.

Melanie Griffith


Melanie Griffith neatly erased her ex husband’s name, “Antonio” off her heart tattoo after their divorce. Nice job, but I would have taken the entire tattoo off, it looks funny now.

Heidi Klum


Heidi Klum is still in the process of getting her ex husband name – “Seal” completely off her arm.

So we have seen how some of the celebrities waste no time in getting the ink off? Have you had any tattoo work done that you now regret? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

*This is a collaborative post.

34 responses

  1. i’m not at all a fan of tattoos, especially when kids are having them done. it’s just too much of a commitment for me to comprehend. I can’t believe MG tatt, seriously, its like someone has just rubbed it out!

  2. That’s the problem with tattoos, as lovely as they are…. They are there forever, which is why people really need to think really hard before getting one. My cousin is covered in them, but she’s a tattoo artist based in Brighton.
    I do think that when you cover yourself with tattoos you have to consider what clothes to wear, as your body is already the pattern…..

    I’d love a tattoo, but…. I need something really relevant to me. But not cliché

  3. I’ve never had a tattoo done because I’m so indecisive and I know I’d want it lasered off straight away.. it’s really good that there is that possibility now as I know some people regret the tattoos they get but previously couldn’t do anything about it!

  4. I’ve got tattoos but none that I regret and I would never be dumb enough to get a name tattooed on me, I know someone who got their own name tattooed on their arm!!

  5. I have never had a tattoo – I just know that I would change my mind. I would always avoid name tattoos though!

  6. Pingback: Best Laser Tattoo Removal Clinics In London « fashionandstylepolice

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