How To Manage Time When Working From Home

Working from home can be very tricky if you suck at time management. Thanks to the social media, mobile phones, TVs and all the other distractions, which can make working from home a blessing or a curse, if you don’t know how to manage time. I have worked at home steady for over 3 years now. And I have learnt a few tricks on how to successfully work from home. It takes a lot of work to get it right but it is very possible to work from home, making good money.


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How To Manage Time When Working From Home


Have the right equipments

Working with the right equipment would save you time and money in the long run. I bought my Apple MacBook Pro last year and it has completely changed my working life. I don’t have to deal with the many issues I dealt with while using my old HP laptop. The old laptop was forever going off by itself, and I was forever putting it back on. It made my working life miserable. So I was happy to get rid of it for a better laptop. If you can afford to go Mac, I promise you will never go back!

I also got an iPad Pro with the keyboard some months ago, which has been very handy for when I need to work outside the house, without my MacBook Pro. Having the keyboard with the iPad means I can type faster. It has completely changed my life. My good old iPhone is also another smart gadget I use for work. It was like a breath of fresh air when I replaced my old Blackberry with the iPhone.

Having the right gadgets have changed my working life for the better. It makes working from home easier and faster.


Ignore the distractions

Ignoring the distractions is easy for me, which is why working from home works for me. But I know it can be tricky for others. So switch off your phone if you have to, and work in a room without any sort of distraction, so you get your work done. My kids are in school for only a few hours, so I have to make the most of the free time I get during the day. I also work most nights, with the TV off, and I never feel like I am missing out. So this tip would only work if you let it.



I am good at getting a couple of things done at the same time and I think it helps me stay on top of my to-do lists. Multi-tasking only works if what I need to do does not need 100% of my attention. If it does, then I do it when I don’t have to multi-task.


Have a to-do list

Having a daily to-do list helps me stay on top of my day. I wake up in the morning, and I already know what needs doing. It saves the time I would have spent on trying to figure what needs to be done on that day.


Have daily goals

Having daily goals helps because you have set targets and you know what you are working towards. I like to have goals for morning, afternoon and sometimes evenings. That way, I can break up day, and work to clearly defined targets. It works great for me.



How do you manage time? Please sound off in the comments section. Thank you!



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