Fashion & Style Police Revamp


Hello everyone. Fashion and Style Police has a whole new look. Have you noticed? The blog header has been updated on this blog and across all my social accounts, and I am so loving it. A blog revamp is always needed every now and again to freshen things up. I always take a good look at my blog design twice a year, to see if any twerks are needed.

This header was designed by the good people of welogodesigner, a creative logo, graphic and branding design team.

What do you think of Fashion and Style Police’s new look?


How To Get A MAC Ruby Woo Lip

MAC Ruby Woo

Follow these steps to achieve a well finished MAC Ruby Woo lip:

1. Start off with your toothbrush, use it to brush off flakes on the lips and achieve succulent lips.

2. Apply a small amount of lip butter or balm to add some moisture to your lips. I currently use Revlon Lip Butter, got it from my local Boots store and it is amazing.

3. Use a lip liner that is the same shade as your MAC Ruby Woo lipstick to line your lips.

4. Apply your MAC Ruby Woo lipstick, starting at the center of your upper lip and then towards the corners.

5. Blot and reapply again.

6. Check to make sure there are no excesses on your face or teeth.

7. Apply lip gloss to the inner bottom lip and blot if you want to achieve a matte/shiny look.

8. Don’t apply any lip gloss if you are going for the winter, matte look, which is  my current favourite.

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