Fun Ways to Keep Fit

Keeping fit is good for the body and soul, and it can be fun as well. Since having my babies, I am always on the lookout for fun and convenient ways to keep fit. Gone are the days when I could go spend hours at the gym. Time and money are so precious and life is so busy, so going to the gym is not even an option. I would never have the time to do that.



Being a work from home mother means I have had to think outside the box to keep my fitness life active, and so far, I am doing a great job I believe. I have also discovered ways I could keep fit without disrupting our routine, and keep it fun as well.

Some of the fun ways I keep fit are –


I love the school run because it gets me out of the house and helps me smash my daily target of 10,000 steps easily. Also, I love walking with the kids on their scooters. It keeps them happy and keeps me fit, so it’s a win-win for us all!


I also enjoy running on some days when I can. Running with some cool music on makes me feel alive and well. I love the adrenaline rush I get from running. It makes me feel alive.

Workout Videos

I love workout videos. I find them very convenient and I think it is a fun way to work out and keep fit from home. I have a few videos I watch regularly on YouTube, and the workout routines are so good.

Running Around with the Kids

Running around with the kids in the garden is another fun way to keep fit. Chasing after a ball or just running round aimlessly helps me burn some calories, keeps me fit and keeps them happy and drained, which is good. You should try it.

So these are some of the fun ways I keep fit. Do you do any of these? Please sound off in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading and have a happy Easter.


*Collaborative Post.

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