Insider Tips on How to Travel Cheap

Is travelling to different countries on your bucket list? As much as I love travelling and all the wonderful experiences it brings, I must admit that it costs a lot. But the more determined I was to travel more frequently, the more I tried to find cheaper ways to make it happen.

Of course, staying at an Airbnb, booking flights in advance and travelling during the off seasons helped me to cut back on travel expenses. However, I did come across some really nifty inside tips that made a huge difference.


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Go all inclusive

A travel tip is to go all inclusive when book your trip. This way you will as save so much money on dining out, but still get the dining out experience, since the hotel’s restaurants will be included in your package. If you are after a relaxing holiday, where you won’t have to worry about where or what to eat, then go all inclusive and save money and time. You can find these packages on


Get flight alerts

What if there was something that could monitor when air fares drop? Google Flights is just the thing that gives you airfares in real-time. You also get alerts of the cheapest air tickets and get notified when the air fares drop.

Google Flights gives you the option to type in your departure and arrival and instantly know the cheapest airfare on the calendar. That way you know exactly when you can travel at a lower rate.


Subscribe for an airline’s newsletter

I know how newsletters can be a huge menace in your inbox, but if you’re someone who wants to travel more at a cheaper rate then you should subscribe to an airline’s newsletter.

Usually airline newsletters give information about their flash sales, discounts, attractive deals and last-minute getaways. As a subscriber you get all those insider information that will give you the opportunity to travel cheaper.

Be a regular user of an airline

Being a regular user of an airline comes with great perks. It opens you to bonuses, upgrades and waived baggage fees and excellence seat choices. All those help you save hundreds of pounds off your travel expenses and give you a better travel experience.

Is there a particular airline you keep using? Find out what opportunities are available to you now as a regular customer of that airline.



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Get an airline credit card

This is for those who aren’t frequent flyers but would still like to enjoy cheaper airfares and great deals.

Some airlines offer credit cards that come with bonuses that will help you save a lot on your travel fares just by signing up. You don’t necessarily have to use the airline credit card before you can enjoy the benefits. Just having the card has its advantages.

Go to non-tourist spots

Popular tourist spots are always expensive and they attract millions of people every year. But you can still enjoy the best from the country of your choice when you go to the non-tourist spots. Plus, it’s so much easier on the pocket. You can save a lot of money going to non-tourist spots. Most times such places give you a deeper experience of the country you’re thinking of travelling to.

Travel on the cheapest days

Not many people know this trick but airfares are not the same every day. There are certain days in the year called the “dead week” when travelling is so much cheaper. Take advantage of those days to book your flight and save a lot from your airfare.


Do you have any travel tips to share?






132 responses

  1. I have heard changing browsers can alter the prices! I dont know if it’s true or not. As I have 3 x places I travel too, with accomadaion free at the other end with family I am continuously watching the flights and package for where we go in June.

    Great deals to be had even for long haul. Going out to our daughter for £400 return next September who is in Canada. Youngest lives in N-Z and that isn’t much more expensive (considering the distance is triple) to what it is to go too Canada

    • The changing browsers can work. I usually clear cookies or book on a different laptop when I need to.

  2. Some great tips there, sadly I am married to a teacher so our holidays are always at the most expensive time but there are still deals to be had, so it is worth trying to keep costs down

  3. I have to admit we have been covering the places we can drive to because it is just so expensive to fly. Thank you for these tips because it will make many more destinations available to us at more affordable prices.

  4. These are some fantastic travel tips!! I do love to travel frugally and see as many places as possible for as little as possible. I really need to sort out a airline credit card and save up on travel miles

    Laura x

  5. A mistake I made recently was not checking if the transfer from the airport to hotel was included in our package deal, it turns out the airport was on the other side of the island to our hotel and our transport cost ended up being more than the plane tickets!

  6. Pingback: How to Quickly Pack for an Overnight Trip - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

  7. This is so useful! As someone who wants to travel all over the world but doesn’t have that much money to do so I’ll definitely be making the most of these tips 😊

  8. Big one for me compliments your mentioning or airline credit cards or credit cards in general. I like to find credit cards with large signup bonuses. Once you get those bonuses for hitting the spend requirements, you can transfer those points to airline partners and get a huge return. For example, I got 50k Amex points for spending 3k in 3 months on my Gold card and that gets me almost 2 round trip tickets to Hawaii from anywhere in the US.

  9. These were super helpful! Pairing with the airline credit cards you can also do the same with hotel credit cards to cut costs☺️ any other tips? Please feel free to check out our blog and let me know what you think☺️

  10. Awesome tips! My only suggestion would probably be to go on a diet when travelling hahaha but seriously, cool post. Didn’t know about the “dead week” thing.

    Would love to connect. Feel free to check out my blog

  11. I adoorreee and needed this post, thanks for all the tips, I myself love traveling whilst saving money.
    I’ve recently started blogging, I write about everything i feel passionate about. It is a deep dive into my soul and contains thoughts about traveling, our world and plans for the future. Maybe you would like to check it out?

  12. Pingback: Airport travel tips I picked up along the way - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

  13. Great article!
    I’ve always wished to travel to Europe one day. This article might actually be something to motivate me to do it!
    Also,I am a new blogger and I would appreciate it if you took and look at my blog and give me a follow!

  14. Pingback: Insider Tips on How to Travel Cheap — fashionandstylepolice – Daphnejessy blog

  15. We are wanting to start traveling more, especially out of the U.S. It is hard to do that and stay cheap. The only things that have worked for me are things you mentioned, like booking early. We are looking at Iceland in August and it is only $700 round trip right now! that is so appealing!!!

  16. There are great subscriptions out there that are extremely helpful to know about flight deals. My favorite is Next Vacay. They send you an email telling you about all the deals from your area as they become available, with a window for buying and traveling. Great service!

  17. Pingback: Staying happy and fulfilled - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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