Tips for coping in the heatwave

Coping in the heatwave has been hard. It has been very warm this week here in Cheshire, England. The weather has been so sunny and humid. It has been a struggle to stay comfortable indoors especially at nighttime. I don’t cope well in extremely warm temperatures. When it gets too warm, I struggle to stay on top of everything. The heat makes it ten times harder to concentrate but I have found some tips that have helped me cope better in the heatwave.

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Tips for coping in the heatwave
Drink more water

I find myself drinking more water when it is warm, which is good. Drinking water regularly keeps me cool and hydrated. It also does wonders for my skin, leaving it clean and clear. You should also drink little cups of water here and there even when you don’t feel thirsty. This will replace all the fluids you are losing from sweat. Try to stick to drinking just water as much as possible.

Keep the blinds and curtains closed during the day

This helps keep the heat out, leaving your house cool, which helps you sleep better. Leaving the blinds and curtains down during the day is the oldest trick to deal with the heatwave.

Take regular cool showers

I take cool showers during the heatwave at least twice a day. This cools me down, gets rid of the sweat, and allows me to sleep better. The kids really enjoy cool showers too when it gets really warm. Try not to get the water too cold though so your body doesn’t react negatively. At the end of the day, you should be sticking to temperatures you are comfortable with.

Replace your duvet with a thinner fabric

When it gets really warm, I get rid of my duvet and use a thinner fabric as a cover up. It helps me sleep better.

Tips for coping with the heatwave image

Run your wrists under a cold tap

Running cold water on your wrists will lower your body temperature.

Wear light, loose clothing

Wearing light, loose clothing will keep you comfy when the weather gets really warm. In a heatwave, the last thing you want is to have to do with tight clothing soiled in sweat.

Spritz your face with water

This is one of my favourite things to do when the weather gets unbearable warm. Spritzing my face with cool water keeps my body temperature low. I like to keep my little bottle in the fridge so the water is cool for when I need it.

How are you coping in the heatwave? I can’t wait until it is all over and normal weather comes back. Please share your tips for coping in the heatwave.



2 responses

  1. We arent geared up in The U.K for this type of weather. The weather forecasters are saying climate change means we will have to get used to more of this 😏

    Fans fully on here through the house. That be ceiling fans and a Dyson fan in the bedroom too. Plenty of showers and changing the beds every other day.

    Creates more washing i know. Worth it. Great tips Stella

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