Why you should not set up a blog

I see many new blogs popping up this year. This is good and it is not surprising to see many people setting up blogs with the whole lockdown and spending more time indoors. Setting up this blog is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. It gave me a creative outlet and it became a good source of income, which gave me the courage to leave my boring customer service role.

There are so many reasons why you should set up a blog. I have been running Fashion and Style Police for over 8 years now and I can tell you how amazing it is to have my own creative space on the internet. It allows me to work and study from home while juggling the kids. But this post won’t be telling you why you should set up a blog, it will be helping you see why you should not set up a blog.

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Here are some reasons why you should not even dream of having a blog –

You don’t like writing

If writing is not your thing, you should not set up a blog. If you stringing sentences together, maybe you should look into other creative outlets like Instagram or YouTube. Blogging means writing. You have to be able to write and you have to enjoy writing. If it feels like a chore, please do not set up a blog. You will fail. Going to different blogs and stealing content is not acceptable. I am sick and tired of reporting blogs for copyright theft. It is exhausting. Please respect copyright and write your own posts or don’t set up a blog.

You don’t have the time

Writing takes time. If real life is really busy and you don’t have the time to dedicate to really running your blog, it may not be a good idea to have one. Running a blog takes time and energy. You will need a few hours every week to update your blog. If you don’t have the time to do this, wait until you do.

You have nothing to write about

You may love writing and be good at it. The time to write may also be available but it is best to decide on what content you would like on your blog before you venture into blogging. It is usually easy for many new bloggers to decide on what they want their blog to be about but for some, it may not be as easy. If you can’t think of what to write, wait until you can before you set up a blog.

You are in it for the money

If you are setting up a blog just to make money, you may be in for a huge surprise. It takes time to grow your blog to the point where brands are interested in paying you to advertise their goods and services. If you are in it for just the money, you will give up after a few months. Blogging is not a get rich scheme at all.

Have a great week everyone 😘



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