Is Your Wardrobe Winter Ready?

*Collaborative post.

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The evenings are becoming darker, and temperatures are starting to drop, which means winter is on the way. While winter is a time for being cosy and warm (and drinking lots of hot chocolate!), it doesn’t mean that you can’t look stylish at the same time.

Curating a winter wardrobe can be a lot of fun, as there are so many different styles that you can play around with. After a difficult year without too much socialising or fun, packing up your summer clothes until next year and embracing the feeling of a new season can be a welcome change. Hitting the refresh button and trying out some new winter styles is a great way to blow away those lockdown cobwebs and breathe new life into your look.

One of the best parts of winter dressing is that there is so much flexibility with what you can wear. Keeping yourself warm is the perfect excuse for playing around with different styles and textures to create a unique look. Once you have the basic items for your winter wardrobe, you will have the freedom to style it however you would like. Take a look at our winter wardrobe essentials that form the base for dressing stylishly for the cold weather:

The Perfect Coat

One item that you will spend a lot of time wearing over the winter is your coat. Choosing a coat can be so difficult. There are so many different styles to choose from, and you need to select one that will work with all of your winter clothes. Shopping for a new coat can get pretty stressful when there are lots to choose from, but you are looking for ‘the one.’ To complicate matters further, your choice of coat doesn’t need to just work well with your clothing choices; it also needs to fit perfectly and keep you warm. All this effort is worth it, as when you find the perfect coat, it should last you for years to come.

Lots of Layers

Who doesn’t love layering? Layering is a winter essential and also an easy way to look effortlessly stylish. Layering allows you to create a whole new look just by wearing the same items differently, and you can add layers and take them away to suit the temperature. Over the winter, layers work well with jeans, so find some that fit you well and maybe by them in a few colourways to ensure that you have enough to get you through the season and beyond.

Everyday Boots

Say no to cold feet this winter and find yourself some perfect boots. Boots are, without doubt, a cold-weather essential to keep your feet cosy on even the coldest days. The great thing about boots is that they can be styled however you want to suit your look. Boots over jeans are a great choice for meeting friends and Christmas shopping trips but look just as good styled with tights and a shorter skirt for a festive night out.




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