3+ Winter Foot Care Tips to Keep Your Feet and Ankles Warm

*Collaborative post.

Be it slogging through snow, contending with dampness, cold, and muddy conditions, it is essential to ensure your feet are protected all winter long. You will want your feet healthy and ready for various activities when spring arrives.

3+ Winter Foot Care Tips to Keep Your Feet and Ankles Warm picture

Pixabay – CC0 License

Cold weather brings the need to change your footwear for activities and the weather itself. You do not want to sacrifice outdoor fun by avoiding going out in the cold altogether. Below are simplified winter foot care tips that will help you keep your feet and ankle warm in the harsh cold weather.

Keep your feet clean

It is crucial to take care of your feet to ensure your toenails, fungus, and other unpleasant things are kept at bay. You can do this using soap and water to clean your feet. Additionally, you can visit your doctor to get a rough idea of how to clean your feet.

Get the right pair of shoes

Trips and falls are a common cause of injuries, especially during winter. Accordingly, winter falls often cause foot injuries, including broken heels or toes, and ankle sprains. Therefore, it is essential to get low-heeled shoes that have traction soles to avoid slipping on ice.

Winter shoes should also ensure your feet and ankle are warm by offering insulation against the harsh weather. You should consider Balenciaga shoes that provide comfort, insulation, and protection from winter-related injuries.

Ensure your feet are warm and dry

Cold feet can lead to the growth of fungus, which can harm your overall health. Try to get yourself some moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet warm and dry from internal dampness caused by sweat.

Water-resistant socks and shoes will also help you ward off external winter elements that can lead to dampness. If possible, ensure you wear appropriate socks and shoes as standard practice during the winter weather period.

You can also insert foot warmers in your shoes to offer an extra layer of protection against wetness and the cold.

Additional footwear tips

If you want to keep your feet and ankle warm during the winter months, ensure your shoes and boots are:

  • Warm

Do not spend extended periods outdoors if your shoes and boots are not warm enough.

  • Appropriate for outdoor activities

You will want a comfortable, breathable pair of shoes once you are indoors. Accordingly, when going out on the ice or during winter sports, you need your shoes or boots to offer traction and keep your feet and ankle safe from injuries.

  • Changed when wet

You will need to change your shoes or boots once they get damp from the winter cold.

  • Fitted and comfortable

All winter footwear should fit your feet and be able to prevent snow from entering into your shoes, making you wet and cold.

The Bottom Line

Taking care of your feet and ankle during winter months ensures you get warmth and alleviate foot pain resulting from cold-related injuries. Along with these tips, ensure you take care of your feet and ankle all year long.





The Benefits of Doing Your Bit for Charity

*Collaborative post.

The Benefits of Doing Your Bit for Charity picture

Pexels – CCO Licence

Doing your bit for charity gives you a great opportunity to help individuals and causes who are in need of assistance. However, you may be surprised to learn that supporting a charity can actually benefit you as well. To learn more, take a look at some of the benefits that arise when you do your bit for charity:

  1. Increased social connections

Volunteering your time and skills can connect you with others and allow you to forge new social connections. Loneliness and isolation can have a big impact on your well-being, but volunteering is a constructive and positive way to make new social relationships. As you begin to widen your social circle and get more involved, you’ll find you have more contacts than ever before!

  1. Learn new skills 

When you first start out, you may feel more comfortable volunteering in a capacity that you’re familiar with but, over time, you’ll have the opportunity to learn new skills. A Health and Social Care training provider can help you to complete certifications required for some volunteering positions, for example. Alternatively, you can develop new skills on an ad hoc basis via volunteering.

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Pexels – CCO Licence

  1. Relieve stress

It’s not unusual for people to feel stressed and overwhelmed in today’s fast-paced world, but volunteering can help to combat this. Many people assume that they don’t have the time to volunteer but making time in your schedule can have a positive impact on you, as well as those you help. The emotional reward that comes from volunteering can help to relieve stress, while the fulfilment of being able to help others can boost your mood.

  1. Stay healthy

When you volunteer, your role may include physical activity, such as providing care to others, or mental activity, like administrative tasks for a local organization. Both forms of activity are critical if you want to stay healthy, particularly as you get older. If you’re worried that retiring from work will leave you at a loose end, for example, volunteering could fill the void and give you the outlet you need to maintain your health and well-being.

  1. Boost your confidence

There are many reasons why people lack self-confidence and, sometimes, there’s no definable reason at all. No matter what the cause of your low self-esteem, doing your bit for charity can help to give you a newfound sense of self-confidence. As you use your time and skills to help others, you’ll be left in no doubt that you’re a valuable and much-appreciated member of your community.

6. Finding the Right Volunteering Opportunity

There are numerous charities that require assistance, so finding an opportunity to volunteer isn’t difficult. However, it’s worth doing some research so that you can find the right opportunity for you. If you have a particular interest or you’re passionate about a specific cause, for example, you may want to volunteer with an organization that operates in these areas. When you can combine your interests, skills and expertise to find the right volunteering opportunity, you can maximize your impact and contribute to real change.




Charity of the Month: Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity

The charity of the month this December is Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity. I recently found out about the amazing work this charity is doing and I am so impressed with their dedication. Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity supports families who have a child aged 0-18 years with a life-threatening or terminal illness. The charity provides families support workers to help them to make the most of the time they have together, giving them practical and emotional support, whenever they need it, for as long as is needed. The support workers help the whole family adjust to their new lives and the support provided is varied and dependent on the family’s needs.

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Charity of the Month: Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity

Some examples of the kind of support the Rainbow Trust support workers provide are:

  • listening to a family’s fears and anxieties
  • helping to explain illnesses, diagnoses, and treatments
  • keeping a seriously ill child company during hospital stays
  • driving families to medical appointments to help save time and money
  • organising fun activities to help sick children, their brothers and sisters
  • support through bereavement and grief.

This vital service is available at no cost to the families that need it. Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity relies almost entirely on the kind donations they receive and the generosity of the public to deliver the support. So donations are always needed. You can support the charity by donating here. As little as £5 can buy arts and crafts to keep the child entertained. £10 could provide a memory box for a bereaved family and £26 would pay for an hour of support to a family caring for a seriously ill child. Another way of getting involved with this charity is by volunteering. You can look out for opportunities for that here.

You can find out more about the charity by watching this YouTube video –

Thanks for reading this post. Please share it on your social media platforms to get others involved. You can also read about the charity of the month for November here. Merry Christmas and stay safe.

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